Syncly Review: Features, Integration and Pricing 2023

Consider the impact of customer feedback on your company’s operations. Knowing how your customers think, you can meet them exactly where their needs are. However, each customer is unique. It can be challenging to filter out exactly what you need to do per case. Syncly provides a unique solution to this challenge.

Syncly is an excellent tool for helping businesses categorize and organize feedback, driving customer insight, and impacting revenue. But how does Syncly help companies categorize and analyze customer feedback? To answer that question, we’ll dive into the platform’s features, integrations, and pricing.

Syncly Overview

Syncly provides a scalable solution for managing customer feedback and prioritizing it based on revenue impact. Therefore, the platform helps businesses respond to customers on time and provides insight into the potential journey. That enables you to ensure that your high-paying clients always feel like you care and avoid losing value to other businesses.

Syncly was founded in 2021 by Jongsoo Keum, Joseph Lee, and Kwanwoo Yoon. The team had previously built SUALAB, an AI computer vision startup that grew to a nine-figure exit. 

They developed expertise in machine learning, creating solutions for the electronics, automotive, and chemical engineering industries. The team then pooled their findings to build a seamless solution for customer interactions.

The team pitched the idea at Y-Combinator, a platform where entrepreneurs bring their best ideas. Syncly was recognized as one of the top ideas and received over $3 million in seed funding. 

Syncly is currently supported by investors such as Rebel Fund, 500 Global, Softbank Ventures Asia, and Fast Ventures. The company is a leader in analyzing customer feedback using AI and provides scalable feedback management.

  • Established: 2021
  • Founders: Jongsoo Keum, Joseph Lee, Kwanwoo Yoon
  • Office: San Francisco, California, US

5 Core Features of Syncly 

5 Core Features of Syncly

Expert Opinion

Rating: 4.7/5

Syncly makes it easier for teams and businesses to understand and analyze customer feedback at scale.

One of our favorite features is the Workspace, a central hub where you can harmonize feedback on the platform. Besides collecting all feedback in one place, you can invite team members, prioritize feedback, and view detailed analyses.

Although we love the quality of Syncly’s analytics, we would love to see more options to directly link various feedback options with the app. Currently, the app only syncs natively with Slack and Zapier, and the remaining feedback can be added through Excel or .csv files. 

Likewise, although the Zapier integration will provide a wide range of functionality, it would be great to directly link with various feedback tools – such as Forms – for real-time insights.

Currently, Syncly is only offered as a web app. Of course, it would be great if its features were available as a standalone application on Windows and Linux. That would aid accessibility and provide a seamless, customized environment for the tool’s features.

We are impressed by the quality of features offered by Syncly’s platform and its smooth interface. To invite new members to an account, administrators can simply open the workspace and add them. These functionalities make collaborating with team members and building rapport with customers easy. 

The company also provides seamless options for receiving help through its Slack community and responsive email. That demonstrates their commitment to helping businesses understand their customers. 

Overall, the platform is an excellent option for assisting teams in building the quality of their customer interactions.

Notable Features of Syncly

Syncly offers excellent features to help businesses analyze their customer insights. We’ll discuss them below:

1. Insights from Customer Feedback

Customer feedback comes through various media, including emails, chats, and other platforms. Determining what customers say through these media can be challenging due to the diversity of feedback and platforms. However, Syncly’s customer feedback insights make it easier to determine what customers are saying and how they are saying it.

Syncly’s customer feedback analysis functionalities are based on powerful AI functionalities, allowing users to summarize and categorize various data. With the tool, you can get deep insights into feedback from sources such as Slack, Zapier, and uploaded files. This lets you understand your customers’ feelings about your services and where you can improve.

Syncly collects communication data across various channels in one place. The AI then arranges the data into multiple categories based on your preferences. The platform also helps to surface the most important topics and sentiments. This lets you have complete visibility of customer sentiments and preferences to know what matters most.

2. AI-Backed Needs Prioritization

Various customers have different needs. With most businesses having a large number of customers, getting feedback can feel like everyone has other concerns. However, the most pressing needs are typically expressed by many customers. But how do you find out these needs?

Besides helping you understand what your customers think, Syncly helps you make decisions. Syncly’s tool provides seamless ways to prioritize needs. With the tool, you can sort customer feedback by metrics such as priority and status. 

Combining this with real-time customer updates lets you quickly attend to your customers’ needs, helping you keep them delighted with your responsiveness.

Additionally, Syncly provides summarized data at scale, giving you a panoramic view. This view tells you about the frequency of specific concerns and helps you anticipate new customers’ problems. This way, you can anticipate challenges and proactively solve them.

3. Seamless Decision-Making

Analytics empowers teams to make the right decisions. In the case of B2C (business-to-customer) companies, understanding your customers is essential to customer retention. Syncly’s seamless analytics make it easier for team leaders to determine what is most important for company growth in real time. With fast decision-making, you can address issues before they significantly impact revenue growth.

You can invite team members to the platform to see what’s happening and contribute their ideas. This way, you can combine ideas with insights to see how to tackle challenges. The platform also prioritizes analysis and feedback, allowing you to determine the best approach to improving team performance.

4. Excellent Team Collaboration

Team collaboration is essential for bringing out the best ideas and solving problems seamlessly. After all, getting customer feedback is not complete without addressing their concerns. Syncly’s team collaboration tools make it easier to work with your team.

On the platform, you can quickly view the status of your accounts and invite team members to your workspace. For one, team members can easily view the status of their accounts from their workspace. Administrators can invite new members to their workspace as a member or viewer. This provides control as you can ensure consistency in the information that team members receive.

The platform provides a link to your project, which you can copy and share with your team. Depending on your preferences, users can be added as view-only (so that they can view insights) or full members (to edit the contents on the screen). Additionally, Syncly integrates directly with Slack, allowing users to enjoy team communication while working.

5. Centralized Information Database

Syncly also provides a highly functional centralized database to help teams see everything on one interface. Known as the Workspace, this hub harmonizes all the feedback that you receive. It offers sections for Feedback, Dashboard AI, Management, and Features. There’s also a search feature, which you can use to find targeted keywords in your customers’ feedback.

You can readily add members to the Workspace through their work emails, where they can view or edit. Like the rest of the platform, the workspace integrates with Slack, enabling seamless communication. You can set your Slack to auto-push feedback to the platform or do this manually. To organize feedback, you can create and manage labels, which allow you to categorize feedback based on concerns and other preferences.

Syncly Integrations

Syncly offers a few integrations to help your team continue using some of their favorite apps. This allows you to integrate the tool into your existing tech stack seamlessly. Integrations available on the platform include Slack, Zapier, Front, Zendesk, and Salesforce.

The Slack integration on Syncly is relatively seamless. To integrate your Slack with Syncly, you can add the “push_syncly” emoji to your Slack message. You can also enable automatic push to send new messages to Syncly seamlessly.

Syncly also integrates with Intercom, a leading business messaging software tool. With Intercom, you can streamline the benefits of directly chatting with your customers. Syncly allows you to harness valuable insights from customer chats.

Syncly integrates directly with Front and Gmail, some of the customers’ most commonly used email platforms. With these integrations, you can efficiently unlock insights from customer emails.

Plans and Pricing

Like many SaaS tools, Syncly does not publish pricing on its website. Pricing depends on factors such as business size and feature preferences, which will vary from customer to customer. Larger companies may expect to pay more than smaller companies.

You can request a platform demo to understand how much the service will cost your team. This trial lets you see how the product fits into your company’s tech stack. Then, based on your company’s budget and Syncly’s quote, you can negotiate suitable pricing for the tool.

Terms and Policies

Syncly’s terms and policies guide how the platform offers its services to users and handles customer data and feedback. The terms and conditions define members as registered platform users who provide personal information and use its services. All members must sign the user agreement and agree to its terms.

Members are responsible for managing their IDs and passwords and may not hand them to a third party without Syncly’s permission. Syncly’s services are available 24 hours daily, except for an operational or technological delay. Any website service delay will be announced in advance, so users should visit the home page frequently. Users who want to stop using the service can apply to terminate their accounts.

Customer Support

Syncly provides robust customer support options. For self-help, the platform offers a detailed blog on its website. The blog provides updates and insights on using the tool for your needs. There is also a detailed guide on the website showing all the features and ideas on how to set up the platform. 
Additionally, Syncly provides various direct support options. One is its Slack channel, where you can interact with the community for valuable insights. You can also email them at


Understanding customer feedback is valuable for growing business revenue. Syncly is an excellent tool for businesses that want to derive insights from customer feedback across multiple channels. If Syncly is the feedback analysis tool for your team, you can reach out to the company for a demo
Contributors: Victor Femi-Lawal (Technical Writer); Eyimofe Adewole (Graphic Designer)

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