Savvi AI Review: Features, Integration and Pricing 2023

Savvi AI is an Agile AI platform that helps businesses of all sizes develop and scale their AI apps faster. Think of all the big names in the tech industry: Google, Apple, IBM- they all use the Agile methodology to bring intelligent IT solutions to the market. 

As we’ll discuss later, the Agile methodology is a framework for project management that emphasizes flexibility. It allows businesses to improve their products continuously in a simpler style. However, what happens when Agile combines with AI?

Two of the several benefits of their marriage are the most important. The first is the faster development of AI tools. The other is an increase in innovation over time. Thanks to Agile AI, tech companies can better manage the complexities of AI projects. 

This article reviews Savvi AI, one of the Agile AI project development solutions providers. Read on as we dissect every segment of the platform, including its features, pricing, and use cases.

Savvi AI Overview

Savvi AI is an agile AI platform that offers innovative solutions to businesses looking to leverage AI cost-effectively. Agile AI, a combination of the words agile and AI, means leveraging the agile methodology to build AI apps. It is a flexible approach to using AI that is adaptable and responsive. 

The agile process has been around for over 20 years. It is based on the principle of continuous delivery. This means that instead of planning an entire project in detail before implementation, you start bit by bit.

You plan a little, execute, adapt, and repeat the cycle. Each cycle is an iteration, and Agile breaks your project into several. Therefore, each iteration improves upon the previous one. If something is not set in stone from the beginning, it can be adapted. Agile also encourages constant teamwork and customer involvement. So, customers’ opinions are crucial for advancing the project.

Savvi AI simplifies the development of AI apps for companies using this methodology. With it, companies now have access to AI-powered data-driven products. They can kickstart their projects at affordable rates and improve them as more data surfaces. 

Alex Muller and Maya Mikhailov founded Savvi AI in 2021. Before then, their workforce had built several AI-based solutions for brands like Amazon, Adidas, and McDonald’s. Compared to these brands, they made Savvi AI to help businesses that cannot afford large AI decision systems.

The company’s mission is to change the perception of AI in the software development community. With Savvi AI’s Agile AI platform, businesses can launch AI solutions at a significantly reduced cost. The platform is patented, and its value presentation has earned it industry recognition. Recently, it won the Finovate Spring 2023 Best in Show award. It has also garnered over 5.6 million dollars in funding.

  • Established: 2021
  • Founder: Alex Muller and Maya Mikhailov 
  • Office: Chicago, Illinois, United States (Headquarters)

5 Core Features of Savvi AI

5 Core Features of Savvi AI

Expert Opinion

Rating: 4.8/5

Savvi AI is an Agile AI platform that empowers businesses of all sizes to build, train, and launch AI solutions.

Savvi AI is one of the few exciting platforms we’ve come across lately. We’ve seen several data science and process automation platforms, big data analysis tools, and ML building platforms. However, Savvi AI combines all these to give businesses a faster and cost-effective deployment pathway.

Its features range from data collection and piping to model creation and decision-making. We love that it is easy to get by with your present workforce. In other words, you do not need extra resources or data scientists. Companies can use its What If tools to cut the development work in half.

Another thing that caught our attention was its data label management. Savvi AI allows you to upload your data labels in bulk and edit them as you please. This is especially interesting because your AI can keep learning and improving, following the agile methodology. It was also important to us that it had templates we could use for uploading.

During our review, we found several instances where the platform’s interface is simplified for users. For example, users can filter, save, and continually adapt their events’ views. The company also ensures users get enough support through documentation, guides, and success managers.

Although the Savvi team has existed for years, their AI app development platform is still young. With such a broad value proposition, there is room for growth.

Savvi AI Notable Features

Savvi AI’s platform is an embodiment of several interesting tools. These tools allow it to offer its Agile methodology to users. They enable users to build, launch, and upgrade their AI apps. Some of them are:

1. Machine Learning Apps

Savvi machine learning apps can perform multiple functions across several use cases. To start building your app with Savvi, you’ll need to name it. After naming, you must select the type of ML app that best suits your requirements. Savvi offers three types of machine learning apps: prediction-only, standard, and advanced ML.

With prediction-only ML apps, you can define markers that drive predictions. That is especially useful if your use case is a predictive solution. The standard ML app is for solutions whose decision options rarely change. This means you can define your solution’s goals and outcomes from the onset. Lastly, the advanced ML app considers your solution’s goals, markers, and guardrails.

2. What If Tool

The What If Tool is Savvi AI’s no-code approach to building your ML app. Instead of doing all that development work from scratch, you can use it to make better AI app decisions. The tool uses your existing models and features, such as prediction and decision trace. Users can experiment with it on their app’s Implement tab.

Depending on the ML app type, it might prompt you to input the decision options or decision option attributions. You must also submit your influencer values to run the newly added iteration. This will not only be logged in your events table but also give your software a professional feel.

3. Filtered views

This is an advanced feature of Savvi AI for viewing its ML app events. Events in software development are actions that notify the system of an occurrence it needs to react to. An app may have several events. Therefore, Savvi AI uses filtered views to give users a clearer view of their app’s event table.

The filtered view allows you to input relevant selections to reorient the table. You can also save the filtered view for future reference. All you need to do is click the save view button, and you can open it whenever you please. Moreover, the saved views update as you add more events that fit the category.

4. Data Label Management

Data labeling is identifying and grouping raw data to train an ML model. No ML app has all the data it needs at once, so this is one of the areas in which the Agile methodology is most beneficial. Savvi AI’s platform allows you to manage your data labels for more straightforward implementation as you acquire more data.

With Savvi, you can upload your data labels in bulk. It has several templates you can use for this. Furthermore, as you upload, it syncs with existing labels. You can also edit them within the data library when you please. 

However, this depends on whether the label is not in use by the ML app in an environment. Another noteworthy part of its data management is data selection. You can hide data labels you do not need for a new ML app and unhide them when you do.

Savvi AI Integrations

Savvi AI provides APIs that companies can integrate into their enterprise systems. The platform also has API documentation that organizations can refer to while integrating. It contains information on setting up predictions and decisions and how to do so using various programming languages. You can learn more about it on the website.

Pricing and Plans

Savvi AI offers four pricing models, ranging from starter to enterprise. However, prices are not attached to the plans. After your demo, you’ll have to contact the team for a price quote. Below is an overview of each plan and its benefits.

1. Start-Up Plan

Savvi AI’s Start-Up plan is the basic plan for startups looking to delve into AI and ML. It targets businesses with a total revenue or raise of less than $5 million. If you’re a startup looking to create an AI app or implement ML in your current system, you might consider this.

The start-up plan offers up to 50,000 ML events monthly. It gives interested parties access to two environments: What If tools and dynamic decisions. They also get secure containers for APIs and models.


  • 50,000 ML events monthly
  • What If tools
  • Secure containers for APIs and models
  • 4 team members
  • Two environments

2. Pro Plan

The Pro plan is an upgrade to the previous one. It is for businesses that have passed the start-up phase and need larger systems. The plan contains everything in the Start-Up plan plus juicer features.

The ML events, for instance, can reach 200,000 monthly. It allows access to ten team members and gives unlimited decision and prediction trace. Access to a customer success manager (CSM) is an added advantage.


  • Everything in the Start-Up plan
  • 200,000 ML events monthly
  • Ten team members
  • Unlimited decision and prediction trace
  • Customer success manager

3. Pro Plus Plan

You might consider this plan if you want even more capabilities and have more use cases. The Pro Plus plan contains all the Pro plan’s benefits, and some added advantages.

With Pro Plus, you get 500,000 ML events monthly. You can have as many as 25 team members. It also gives you access to advanced deep-learning models in a larger server cluster.


  • Everything in Pro
  • 500,000 ML events monthly
  • 25 team members
  • Advanced deep learning models
  • Larger server cluster

4. Enterprise Plan

The enterprise plan is Savvi AI’s largest and most advanced plan. It offers users enterprise-grade features and improved capacities, such as up to 1,000,000 monthly ML events.

Users can also have unlimited team members. The enterprise plan gives users three custom environments and a personal CSM. Moreover, it’s the only plan offering on-prem and VPC hosting options.


  • Everything in Pro Plus
  • 1,000,000 ML events monthly
  • On-prem and VPC hosting
  • Unlimited team members
  • Three custom environments

Savvi AI Price and Features Comparision

Start-up PlanPro PlanPro-plus PlanEnterprise Plan
Events Per Month50,000 ML events200,000 ML events500,000 ML events1,000,000 ML events
Team Size4 team members10 team members25 team membersUnlimited
Supported EnvironmentsSandbox and ProdSandbox and ProdSandbox and ProdThree custom environments
Decision and Prediction TraceLimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
Customer Success ManagerNoYesYesYes (Dedicated Customer Success Manager)
Deep Learning ModelsNoNoYesYes
On-Prem or VPC Hosting OptionsNoNoNoNo
Savvi AI Price and Features Comparision

Terms and Policies

Savvi AI divides its terms and policies into three documents: terms of service, terms of use, and privacy policy. Signing up with the platform means you consent to its terms and conditions and are bound to them until you annul the contract. 

Before signing up, ensure you scan through these documents, as they supersede any other agreements you’ve made with the company.

The company also emphasizes that it updates its terms of use timely. Therefore, it’s best to review it to avoid any misconceptions constantly. The company is SOC 2 certified. Consequently, special care is taken in the management of customer data. It also encrypts data using AWS KWS. Do visit its agreements page to learn more. 

Customer Support

Savvi AI’s customers, especially those on the Pro, Pro Plus, and Enterprise plans, have access to a CSM. If you’re on the enterprise plan, you get a dedicated CSM. The platform has other support options available for Start-Up customers and non-users. 

If you fall into this category, you can contact them by filling out the Contact Us form. You can also explore faster means like their guides and documentation or reach out to them on social media platforms. 


Gone are the days when deploying AI and ML models took forever. Companies needed to have large data scientist teams and even more extensive infrastructure. Gathering and preparing data was one thing; building, training, and testing models was another.

However, thanks to platforms like Savvi AI, developers can reduce the timeframe of the whole process. They can deploy AI apps in a few hours at a cost-effective price and constantly improve on them. Book a demo with the team to get more familiar with Savvi AI. You could also browse our directory of SaaS tools for more innovative solutions.

Contributors: Adenike Omope (Technical Writer), Rhooda Eyimofe (Graphic Designer)

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