Safari AI Review: Features, Integration and Pricing 2023

Safari AI provides an easy and efficient way for businesses to keep track of their physical operations. With it, they can automatically monitor things like guest count, staff behavior, and vehicle count.

Typically, KPIs (Key performance indicators) can be tracked manually, but the process is often slow. To combat it, most businesses buy specialized cameras, but they end up being expensive. Additionally, some lack extra important features that make gathering data more convenient.

Fortunately, Safari AI helps by allowing them to gather data in real-time using their IP camera network. In this article, we’ll look at its features, pricing, and the other things it offers to determine if it’s worth using.

Safari AI Overview

Safari AI, formerly known as CurbFlow, is a company that uses AI to measure and analyze KPIs so businesses can make better decisions. Before we go on, let’s first understand what KPIs are. 

KPIs are values that measure the overall performance of a business. They’re the key things you track and examine to know what to improve/ditch. They are also necessary for gathering data that help you satisfy your customers and develop better marketing strategies.

Let’s get back to the company.

Founded in 2018 by Ali Vahabzadeh, Safari AI aims to provide its users with a reliable and affordable way to automate their physical spaces. They make this possible through their numerous AI solutions that have their users’ needs in mind. The company has had its fair share of recognition for this.

During lockdown, when they were still CurbFlow, they helped a lot of businesses that struggled with congested parking spaces. They did this via their Computer Vision Devices, which enabled drivers to make speedy and safe deliveries. Now, they enjoy even more positive feedback from well-known companies in different industries.

Since its start, the company has raised over $13 million in funding from investors like Initialized Capital and General Catalyst. They have also provided its services to companies from various industries, such as retail, transportation, and amusement parks. Their users include companies like Goodwill, Taco Bell, and Manhattan Mini Storage.

  • Established: 2018
  • Founder: Ali Vahabzadeh
  • Offices: New York (Headquarters), Arlington (Virginia)

5 Core Features of Safari AI

5 Core Features of Safari AI

Expert Opinion

Rating: 4.5/5

Safari AI uses computer vision AI solutions to enable businesses to automate their physical operations.

Safari AI is an excellent multipurpose tool for businesses. Using the platform, you get access to a variety of solutions like staff engagement, Heat Mapping Asset Utilization, and parking management. 

One of the things we like about the platform is how easy it is to use it. Setting up the AI is a relatively straightforward process. First, you’ll need to have the cameras you’d like to use ready. The platform enables you to use any modern camera so purchasing a new camera is unnecessary. 

Then, you’ll need to connect your camera to the platform’s IoT (Internet of Things) device. IoT devices are computing hardware like sensors that wirelessly connect to a network and transmit data. The IoT is what enables Safari AI to monitor and analyze KPIs so you can make the right business decisions.

Based on the data obtained, you’ll have a clear idea of what to implement or take out next. Though, keep in mind that IOT devices are prone to cyber-attacks and security breaches. This is why it’s important to ensure you take the necessary precautions.

To get started, the platform allows users to schedule a demo so they can understand how to utilize the software. Safari AI also provides a FAQ page and encourages users to reach out to them via their customer support lines. However, the platform can provide more self-help options in addition to allowing users to schedule demos.

Overall, Safari AI is a great tool that provides a simple and affordable way to automate your physical operations.

Notable Features of Safari AI

Aiden offers various features that help businesses manage their IT problems seamlessly. Some of them are:

1. Automated Counting

Safari AI provides users with the means to keep track of pedestrian counts, guest counts, and vehicle counts. This sets you apart from the competition and keeps your physical operations speedy. Let’s briefly go over what each entails.

  • Guest Count: Guest/door counts allow you to keep track of the number of people who enter and exit your store. This is helpful for businesses with multiple locations because it enables you to compare their performances. In this way, you’ll be able to replicate marketing initiatives that work and replace those that don’t with ease.
  • Pedestrian Count: Pedestrian counts enable enterprises to understand market size and volume trends. With it, you’ll be able to know the impact of marketing, measure capture rates, and understand foot traffic trends.
  • Vehicle Count: Vehicle counts can be used to measure traffic volume. This is helpful because businesses can adjust staff resources based on it and know the capture rates of specific locations.

2. Improves Efficiency, Decision Making, and Marketing Strategies

By automating physical operations, Safari AI enables businesses to improve in a lot of ways thanks to its solutions. A few solutions that help companies improve their efficiency, decision-making, and marketing include the following.

  • Occupancy vs Availability: The platform enables you to measure occupancy vs availability. This means you’ll be able to identify your underutilized assets while keeping track of how the rest of your assets are used. In this way, you can use your revenue for other parts of your operations without unintentionally limiting your business.
  • Guest Count and Guest Journey Tracking: The platform helps you understand more about your target audience through solutions like Guest Count and Guest Tracking Journey. Having information on things like your average customer’s age and gender will be useful when choosing a marketing strategy.
  • Heat Mapping Asset Utilization: Data obtained from their Heat mapping Asset Utilization can also aid your marketing strategies. It enables you to know the areas of your operation that attract people and the areas that don’t. Based on it, you can come up with strategies with your average customer in mind and bring in more revenue.

3. Measures Staff Behaviour and Engagement

If your staff fails to satisfy customers, you won’t make much sales. However, managing your staff (especially if you have multiple locations), is easier said than done. Luckily, this is yet another problem that the platform provides a solution for.

Using Safari AI, you can measure staff behavior and engagement. This enables you to understand the areas in your stores that employees need to pay more attention to. In this way, guest satisfaction and engagement will be increased.

Furthermore, it allows you to ensure that staff follow the standard procedure when dealing with customers. Based on previous KPIs, you’ll also be able to adjust staff resources during the busiest hours.

4. Vehicle Management Solutions

One of the worst things for a business to deal with is a congested parking space. Most times, when this occurs, people are more likely to avoid your business in favor of another one. However, with solutions like Park Management and Yard Management, this will no longer be an issue for you. They oversee anything relating to parking and ensure that there are always spaces available for it. 

Other solutions like Vehicle classification and License Plate Recognition also make it easy to track vehicles and gather additional data. Additionally, they eliminate the need for manual logs and tracking, thereby making the whole process more efficient.

5. Increases Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is important for generating revenue and keeping your business afloat. However, it can be hard to keep customers happy when you can’t keep track of the services/products that they like. 

Luckily, with Safari AI’s Guest Journey Tracing, you’ll be able to monitor your customer’s behavior while they’re in the store using re-identification technology. Re-identification technology is essentially a type of biometrics that identifies people based on their overall appearance. 

Furthermore, your staff can also affect the satisfaction your customers get from your business. Safari AI provides a fix for this via its staff engagement solution.

Safari AI Integrations

Safari AI enables you to seamlessly integrate with any modern IP camera. The company also provides you with an off-the-shelf IoT device for the easy transmission of data received from your cameras.

Pricing and Plans

Like many SaaS platforms, Safari AI does not publicly display its plans and pricing. Currently, pricing depends on your needs and other factors since pricing differs amongst customers. They also don’t offer a free trial, so the only way to explore the platform is through a demo. 

If you’d like to learn more about pricing, contact them via their telephone line or email address.

Terms and Policies

Safari AI has terms and policies that govern the use of its services. You are required to adhere to them and agree to use the platform lawfully.

The company is concerned about its privacy and lists the different ways data collected can be used and distributed. You will be required to provide personal information like your name, telephone number, and e-mail address.

The site may also collect usage data like your IP address, browser type, and how often you visit. This information is used to improve the website so you can have a better user experience. Due to possible changes in its policies, the company encourages you to contact them. In this way, you’ll be able to share your concerns, questions, and feedback.

Customer Support

Safari AI offers customer support through their telephone line, e-mail, and their website. You can also access support by booking a demo on their website.

To book a demo, you’ll need to provide information such as your name, e-mail address, company name, and job title. Lastly, you’ll need to share how you feel Safari AI can help you with your challenges and then submit the information.

Furthermore, if you’re interested in joining their workforce, you can check here to learn more about the openings available, employee benefits, and more.

Below is their telephone line and e-mail address.

E-mail address

Telephone Line 



Using Safari AI to automate your physical operations will help your business grow and keep you ahead of your competition. Other companies may use expensive specialized cameras, but with the extra benefits Safari AI provides, you won’t be missing out on much.
Would you want to say goodbye to manually dealing with physical tasks? Schedule a demo and see firsthand if you’d like to move forward with the company.

Contributors: Sarah Ekuwem (Technical Writer); Olumide Okesipe (Graphic Designer)

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