Reveleer Review: Features and Expert Opinion 2023

Reveleer solves a unique problem many didn’t notice or didn’t even realize existed. It provides risk adjustment and quality improvement solutions. These help healthcare providers deliver the best possible care to their patients. Health plan providers or insurance companies can also improve their profitability.

Due to the unique value that this platform proposes, it has dominated its market extensively. It works with virtually every health care plan in the country and even gains access to federal and regional health records. This article thoroughly reviews what Reveleer does differently and explains its main features.

Reveleer Overview

As tech continues to power our lives, different individuals continue to explore its intersection with healthcare and the possibilities. Michael Klotz is one of these intelligent individuals. In 2010, Micheal founded Health Data Vision, Inc. (HDVI), first as a tech-enabled service, then as a “software first” SaaS platform in 2013. He led the company till 2016, overseeing its Series A round of funding during that period.

The company transformed rapidly under his leadership and pioneered many innovative ideas. For example, he introduced the MRCS, a HIPAA-compliant medical record workflow automation and analytics platform. That feature still stays with the platform today. In 2019, HDVI changed to Reveleer and changed its missions to be more technologically focused.

Since the change, Reveleer has transformed into a global healthcare platform. It adjusts risks and improves quality. Jay Ackerman is the current CEO. He is a leading innovator of SaaS platform solutions for clinical data collection and analytics.

Reveleer currently has four investors, including Boston Millenia Partners and Upfront Ventures. So far, the company has also raised $145.8 million.

  • Established: 2010
  • Founders: Michael Klotz
  • CEO: Jay Ackerman
  • Offices: California (Headquarters), United States; Ohio, United States

5 Core Features of Reveleer

5 Core Features of Reveleer

Expert Opinion

Rating: 4.6/5

Reveleer provides a platform that enables care plans and providers to minimize risks and improve service quality.

Reveleer provides a one-is-sufficient-for-all platform for working with medical records. It takes an intuitive approach to this, evident from the first interaction with the website and app. On the platform, you can link dozens of electronic health records. A central dashboard visualizes trends in this data so we can derive insights and make informed decisions.

Although the dashboard is actionable and helpful, the information can sometimes be overwhelming. Consolidating risk metrics from various health plans may confuse individuals who may not be experts or are just starting in risk analysis roles. It may help if the dashboard provides full customization options. This lets the individual decide which information to show and which to omit.

The developers also provide various channels for customer support. However, considering Reveleer’s industry and type of service, this can be expanded upon to offer alternative channels and faster responses. 

At the moment, you can access customer support by filling out a form or sending an email. These channels delay responses and are not suitable for emergencies. The company should consider adding a phone number for instant access. This facilitates swift and easy responses and can save lives when emergencies happen. 

Overall, Reveleer is a recommended platform for all healthcare plans and insurance schemes.

Notable Features of Reveleer

Reveleer has numerous features that ensure it delivers excellent services to users. Below, we will delve into some of the notable features and explore the advantages they provide to users.

1. NLP-Driven Quality Improvement

Quality improvement in healthcare, insurance, and other risk-related plans can take time and kill productivity. Reveleer simplifies this process, enabling the records team of the healthcare plan or insurance company to focus on other essential activities.

It uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) to match recently uploaded documents with existing members and their health providers. It also has an Optical Character Recognition (OCR) feature. This enables it to scan documents and read charts electronically while avoiding costly errors.

2. Comprehensive Risk Adjustment

In simple terms, risk adjustment helps level the playing ground for individuals or groups on risk-management plans. It assesses the level of variations among these individuals or groups. It then fairly compensates for each through proper resource distribution and payments.

The Reveleer platform lets you deploy, execute, and manage every aspect of your risk adjustment program. You can contact providers with ease while leveraging the platform’s automated dialer. This also helps you keep track of calls and notes from providers. With robotic automation, you can retrieve records from many sources and automate their intake into the platform.

3. RAF Total Capture

A risk adjustment factor (RAF) helps quantify the expected healthcare costs or risk levels associated with one or numerous patients. This numeric value is important for accurate reimbursement in healthcare payment systems. Reveleer has a feature called Total Capture that makes working with RAF easy. You can calculate RAF scores and build project workflows while benefiting from intelligent automation.

4. Risk Analytics and Reporting

RAF calculation is just one of the many analyses that Reveleer is capable of. The platform features an actionable dashboard. This contains a visualization of the reports of the numerous healthcare and insurance plans that an individual or a group of people use. The insights and reports that his dashboard gives make it actionable. The professional in charge can draw valuable conclusions to make informed decisions or report to someone of higher authority.

5. Member Management

Registering people into government plans can take time due to regulatory requirements. The focus is usually on getting the details right. That’s because entering inaccurate data can lead to potential audits. These manual processes take time that staff can spend being productive. Reveleer addresses this with its member eligibility and enrollment solution.

It provides health plans with highly automated solutions. These confirm information right from when you enter them and before submission. It reduces manual labor, simplifies enrollment status checking, and ensures highly accurate enrollment processing.

Furthermore, Reveleer helps manage approved members by moving them to the appropriate queues. It gives full visibility into all members’ details and helps audit.

Medical Initiatives Integrated into the Reveleer Platform

Reveleer is exclusive to the United States and leverages the US advanced data collection to the maximum. The platform aggregates structured and unstructured data from over 45 electronic health record systems. It can also access over 75 national and regional health exchanges, community providers, and specialists. At the top of the list are HEDIS and MSP/COB.

Here, you’ll learn what each of these plans or tools represents and how Reveleer integrates with them:

1. Healthcare Effectiveness and Data Information Set (HEDIS)

HEDIS is a tool for measuring the performance or effectiveness of important dimensions of care and service. Currently, more than 90% of US health plans use HEDIS. Health plans that use HEDIS include ACO, medical homes, and EMR.

HEDIS chart review is where a payer or healthcare provider checks whether the quality of care that a patient receives meets standard measures. This process is often complex, and many healthcare organizations handle it with a “let’s just get it over with” attitude.

Reveleer is actively addressing that challenge with its platform. It works with care providers or vendors to extract every medical record of the individual or group. It then correctly abstracts them, delivering the result to the vendor or provider.

2. Medicare Secondary Player Coordination of Benefits (MSP/COB)

Medicare is the health insurance plan of the United States. This plan is for people 65 or older, but those below 65 can also enjoy it under specific conditions. For example, when they display a certain disability. Health plans already help you save money on medical care, but they can reduce by about 80% when you have secondary coverage.

It also works with health plans to provide Medicare Secondary Player and Coordination of Benefits advantage by storing critical information. It also sends and receives updates manually and centralizes the primary and supplemental sources of COB data.

Plans and Pricing

Reveleer doesn’t provide any plans and pricing details on its website. You have to request a demo to know how much the tool costs and agree on pricing. You’ll have to submit your name, business email, and company staff. Once a support staff validates your request, they’ll reach out to you almost immediately.

Terms and Policies

Terms are necessary for sustained relationships between a service provider and a customer. They highlight how the provider expects the customer to use the service. Reveleer provides these details on its website. If you don’t agree with these terms, you can contact Reveleer’s support to forward your concerns. However, until you reach an agreement with the company, it’s advisable not to use any of Reveleer’s products.

Customer Support

With Reveleer, there are two distinct ways to access customer support. You can request a demo via the website and wait for an agent to respond to you or use the numerous contact channels and links. To request a demo, you must provide details like your first name, last name, business email, and job title. An agent validates your email and contacts you after a short time.

You can also visit Reveleer’s offices in the US to get customer support or learn more about the company. Below, you’ll find the address of the company’s corporate office, its email support channel, and social media links:

California – Headquarters

425 W Broadway #110
Glendale, CA 91204


6525 West Campus Oval, Suite 110
New Albany, OH 43054


Wrapping Up

Reveleer is a platform providing risk adjustment services, especially in the healthcare sector. If this tool is useful for you, consider requesting a demo via the website, emailing customer support, or visiting one of the company’s physical offices.

Contributors: Saheed (Technical Writer), Okesipe Olumide (Graphic Designer)

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