Quantexa Review: Features, Integrations, and Pricing

Quantexa is a big data and decision intelligence solution provider. Several organizations today, such as for-profit and non-profit, are utilizing big data for their development. In a particular survey, one in four executives said that their company’s big data initiatives are paying off. Have you ever wondered how companies like Netflix and Spotify know what to recommend to you and when? It’s all big data.

Netflix, one of the biggest media companies globally, says it saves $1 billion a year thanks to its recommendation algorithm. Using big data, the platform retains your loyalty while saving you money. However, the use cases for big data go beyond recommendation. The healthcare, banking, education, and marketing industries also use big data.

Quantexa maximizes data usage for companies by providing a contextual view and automating use cases. Read on as we review Quantexa, its solutions, pricing, and more.

5 Core Features of Quantexa

Quantexa Review_Core Features

Quantexa Overview

Quantexa is a big data and decision intelligence platform that gives organizations a contextual view of their data. Decision intelligence means using artificial intelligence and other machine learning (ML) technologies to improve an organization’s decision-making. These machine-learning technologies include decision trees, deep learning, self-organizing maps, etc. Decision intelligence also connects internal and external data sets for better data fusion and visualization.

Although these terms may seem confusing, they mean using AI to help you make better decisions with your data. For instance, your business collects vast data if you own a retail chain with stores nationwide. It could come from multiple data sources like customer demographics, sales data, inventory levels, social media interactions, etc.

Your retail chain is enriched with intelligence. Therefore, you could analyze this data to make informed decisions at all levels of your organization. You could manage inventory, segment customers, and optimize prices better. When you know what goods sell out most often, the place, and the time, you’ll have advanced analytical sales predictions.

With its entity resolution and network analytics frameworks, it can connect siloed systems. Entity resolution gives you a complete view of data that mimics the real-world relationship between people, places, and organizations. This framework checks if multiple records reference a single entity. It combines data from external sources with internal intelligence to get the inside scoop on this entity’s action.

Since its founding in 2016 by Imam Hoque and Vishal Marria, Quantexa has had a few funding series. As of its Series E in 2024, the company became a unicorn due to its valuation reaching up to $1.8 billion. Several industry bodies have also recognized it for its value proposition. IDC awarded it its European Data Innovation Award. In 2023, bodies like Celent, Chartis, and the Independent ranked Quantexa among their best.

  • Established: 2016
  • Founders: Imam Hoque and Vishal Marria
  • Offices: London, England, United Kingdom (Headquarters), New York, NY 10020, USA, DIFC – Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Melbourne, VIC 3000, Australia

Expert Opinion

Rating: 4.5/5

Quantexa is a decision intelligence platform that helps organizations make data-backed decisions from their big data. 

Quantexa is a system that helps organizations completely understand their data. It is similar to other decision intelligence platforms. We especially like that this platform has many solutions that clients can customize for different use cases. For instance, data management has three tailored solutions: EQM, Contextual MDM, and Dynamic Corporate Hierarchies.  

We also noticed that it has different approaches to integration. Depending on the user’s needs, they could pick the streaming, batch, or API approach. We’ll discuss these approaches and their differences in the “Integration” section below.

Although the platform is relatively easy to use, it makes provisions for users to see through it. It has a learning academy where data analysts and engineers learn to use Quantexa. It happens during the onboarding process. Lest we forget, it has a highly customized onboarding process. Your data team learns first, and then the solutions are gradually implemented.

We also commend the company for its customer service initiatives. In addition to its blog, it provides other resources and direct contact through which clients can get help. According to the company, it is ISO/IEC 27001 certified, which is a way to communicate its data integrity measures. 

However, we wished the pricing wasn’t custom, or at least that the site had a pricing criterion. Prospects in the middle of their decision-making process must contact the company first. It could slow down their decision-making. 

If you’re giving Quantexa a shot, you must also be ready to throw in the time and effort. Therefore, you must weigh your options carefully before proceeding.

Notable Features 

Quantexa, as a decision intelligence platform, boasts several solutions. Organizations can use Quantexa’s contextual data analytics and AI for growth through the solutions below:

1. Data Management

Often, organizations have more data than they think, and this is due to siloed data. Data becomes siloed as a company’s data volume grows. This is because many companies collect data using multiple applications. Different people may also manage the collection process, resulting in various data collections. Therefore, the data quality can quickly sink with vast volumes of data.

Quantexa manages a company’s data more effectively through its data management solution. They include Equity Quality Management (EQM), Contextual Master Data Management (MDM), and Dynamic Corporate Hierarchies. The EQM allows you to store and manage your data from a dashboard, while the MDM lets you connect your data to form records.

2. Risk Management

Risk management is essential in all areas of life, but even more so in industries like banking and finance. Financial institutions offer several lending options to individuals and organizations. Here’s where data sharing comes in. The institution must know the debtor’s lending history to play it safe. Financial service providers can reduce credit risk by connecting different data sources.

Quantexa combines internal and external data for 360-degree risk management. This service simplifies credit evaluations by warning about risks associated with clients.

3. Security Amplification

Whether you’re a software engineer, a cyber security specialist, or a butcher, you probably know how important security is. This 2023 report states that 100% of Fortune 500 and Global 2000 companies have a security team. Security teams can use Quantexa contextual decision intelligence solutions to fight fraud more effectively.

Quantexa aligns billions of data points to provide a single view of relevant entities, behaviors, and networks. Its Scam and Mule Network Detection makes fraud prevention easier. Organizations can quickly detect victims and perpetrators alike. The company’s other security solutions are Supply Chain Integrity, Border and People’s Movement for government, Lending, and Internal Fraud Detection.

4. Customer Intelligence

Quantexa also offers several solutions to maximize consumer intelligence. The consumer goods industry is another industry seriously prone to siloed data. This is because businesses collect their customers’ data using different systems. Quantexa’s portfolio of customer intelligence solutions includes Customer 360°, Prospect Identification, Cross-Sell and Upsell, and Customer Retention.

Quantexa’s Customer 360° gives you a holistic view of your customers and their habits. Prospect identification lets you identify high-value customers and develop data-driven strategies to win them. Its cross-selling, upselling, and customer retention solutions work hand in hand. The platform gives you insight into opportunities for more sales and information on customers about to churn.

5. AML Compliance

This solution has been convenient for the government and its investigative arm. Money laundering has been a significant concern in every civilization that has existed. In ours, the government uses bodies like the IRS to launch anti-money laundering initiatives. 

With Quantexa, these bodies can carry out intelligence-led investigations. They can effectively monitor level 1 (L1) investigations and automate other levels of inquiry. The company provides other financial solutions: Trade, Retail, and Corresponding Banking AML. 

Quantexa Integration

Quantexa integrates with your existing data management stack using three methods. They are the streaming, batch, and API approaches. Streaming integration allows the continuous movement of data between platforms and sources. It works in real-time, ensuring memory syncs as the data processes. Following the example given earlier in the Overview section, your retail store can track inventory levels up-to-date.

For batch integration, you would have to store the data in a single batch, in this case, Quantexa’s, and then move it at intervals. It is primarily useful for analytical and reporting cases. It also comes in handy with the data structures the company must load into a data lake. Application Programming Interface (API), the most common, is a set of rules that determine how the software interacts with the integration. 

Depending on your use case, you can choose from these three approaches. You can connect Quantexa with data management platforms like Ataccama ONE and Matillion. Additionally, you can link it with cloud-native data lake technologies like Amazon Web Services or Azure. However, apart from the cloud, you can deploy it to your on-premise environments- software that runs on your company’s hardware.

You can connect Quantexa’s data products to your customer relationship management (CRM) tools. Others include workflow, case management, and digital and traditional interaction channels.

Plans and Pricing

Quantexa does not display any pricing information on its website. Its pricing follows a custom model. In other words, the cost varies based on the services or solutions that the client needs. Therefore, interested organizations have to reach out to the company first. To do this, click the “Get in touch” button and follow the instructions on the page. 

Whether you talk to an expert or not, each form will lead you to book a demo. The company offers various deployment methods, security models, and capabilities based on your chosen pricing. It also has partners for easy onboarding and other related needs. You can learn more about it on its Partner page

Terms and Policies

Quantexa has four documents containing its terms and conditions, privacy policy, information security, and cookie policy. Part of its terms and conditions prohibit visitors from altering any information and material they take from the website. It includes removing identity marks, words, and logos. The document also contains information on Quantexa’s license, indemnification, and change of terms. 

Its privacy policy details the information it collects from you, how it collects it, and what the company uses it for. Some kinds of data Quantexa takes from you are identity, contact, financial, technical, and profile data. However, it only receives them when you engage with the site. It could be by direct interactions, subscriptions to a service or publication, third-party apps, etc.

As a decision intelligence platform, Quantexa is strict with information security. The platform is ISO/IEC 27001 certified. Apart from this, the company also assures that its platform is audited occasionally to prevent breaches. 

Customer Support

The company provides customers and visitors with several means of support. The most prominent way to reach out to them is through the “Get in touch” button. It will take you to a page where you can inquire or speak with an expert. 

You can use this platform to book a demo and learn about its potential for making money. Meanwhile, the company has different communication media for cases related to its privacy policy and information security. 

Other means through which Quantexa offers customer support are its resources and blog. You’ll find webinars, videos, ebooks, and more there. Also, check out the blog for updates and developments. Furthermore, Quantexa has a community where users, partners, etc., can discuss the platform. If you have any questions, this is where you will find your answers.


Industry leaders say the decision intelligence market size is increasing at a CAGR of 17.8% and that by 2027, it may be worth $22.7 billion. It proves that many organizations across all industries now leverage decision intelligence in their operations. Organizations can make sense of their vast data volume with decision intelligence. This tool helps provide context to the data, enabling organizations to make informed decisions. To use Quantexa, visit their website or Techwriteable to see other data management tools we’ve reviewed.

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