Qemotion Review: Features, Integrations, and Pricing

Emotional analysis is relevant across numerous industries, and the reason is not far-fetched. Every business, no matter the industry, needs to know what its customers need and expect from it. Qemotion is one platform helping businesses, one after another, better understand their customers and reduce attrition and churn.

Quite uniquely, this platform analyzes emotions behind the reviews rather than just semantics. That helps businesses know what customers think of and expect from the company. If you’re curious about how this platform works, this Qemotion review provides a comprehensive insight into how it works, as well as its plans, prices, and features. But first, let’s talk briefly about how Qemotion started.

Qemotion Overview

The founders, Matthieu Bruneteau de Gorsse and Grégoire Pfirsch shared a passion for creating better tools for emotional intelligence analysis. In 2015, they created Qemotion. Over time, the company expanded the platform’s capabilities, including more advanced tracking, analytics, and reporting features that enabled businesses to provide better customer experiences.

Nine years later, the company has built a larger customer base, analyzing more than 10 million reviews per year for several global brands, including Heineken Experience, SAP.io, Allianz, and Louis Vuitton. 

  • Established: 2015
  • Founders: Grégoire Pfirsch, Matthieu Bruneteau
  • Offices: France

Qemotion Use Cases in Improving Customer Journey

In his book “Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose”, Zappos Co-founder and former CEO Tony Hsieh popularly quotes; “Customer experience is the new competitive advantage.” That is true for every business, regardless of industry. 

This also reflects the widespread relevance of Qemotion to the businesses it serves. “We have multiple customers in many countries and across several industries, including banking and finance, luxury, energy, and automobile.”—Sebastien Baudet, Marketer at Qemotion.

 The Heineken Experience is one of many companies that use Qemotion for customer experience. They typically collect lots of feedback from visitors, but analyzing these data was time-consuming. The company used Qemotion to automatically collect and analyze customer reviews from several platforms in real time. As a result, they can constantly adjust their services to improve customer satisfaction.

Benjamin D., Digital Marketing Specialist at Heineken Experience, said, “Thanks to Qemotion, we can identify our service’s strengths and weaknesses. From a technical point of view, it was pretty simple to implement as well.”

Like Benjamin, several other company representatives have testimonials of how Qemotion helped them identify customer issues and emotional irritants.  Some of these reviews highlight core features that stood out for them, and we have gone through several of these reviews to spot the top features that make Qemotion stand out.  

5 Core Features of Qemotion

Qemotion Review_Core Features

Expert Opinion

When compared to several other alternative platforms, Qemotion excels with its feature set, especially with the accuracy of its sentimental analysis and customer segmentation tools. Another thing worthy of note is its simple interface, which is easy for a broad spectrum of audiences to apply with minimal technical assistance. And when they need help, there are self-help resource materials to turn to.

However, introducing more self-help resources and including live help services for more user categories will be more helpful for users who encounter challenges on the platform. According to Sebastien Baudet, the company is already looking to improve its user experience by introducing integrations in the near future.

The customer journey mapping feature is another excellent addition. We also love its availability to all users regardless of their subscription package. The area that is a bit concerning, however, is the pricing model, as it may not be very suitable for small businesses. Also, including a free plan or trial periods may be an excellent addition to help people test the product without committing. 

Altogether, Qemotion provides a robust analysis solution for customers looking to harness insights from customer reviews across various online platforms. However, to get the most out of the cloud-based platform, businesses should consider their goals and the cost to determine whether Qemotion aligns with their overall customer experience strategy. 

Next, we’ll explore some of the critical features that Qemotion provides and how they can help your business.

Notable Features of Qemotions

Qemotion comprises several tools and capabilities that make it stand out, and we’ll explore some of them below.

1. Sentiment and Semantic Analysis Tool

Qemotion uses natural language processing and advanced machine learning algorithms to analyze customer feedback in real-time. The algorithm works by running semantic and emotional analysis on the text. Still, beyond that, it also detects the emotions behind the reviewers. That way, it identifies areas where businesses may need to improve their products or services. Likewise, companies can also use it to evaluate the opinions of employees and customers.  

2. Multi-Channel Compatibility

Qemotion tracks customer feedback published across several review platforms, websites, and social media posts to conduct analysis.  It gathers customer feedback in real-time. However, the types of channels available to users vary depending on the subscription plan. Our section on Qemotion plans and pricing provides more in-depth detail.

In addition to collecting data from various sources, Qemotion also allows you to send customer surveys and feedback forms. The platform then gathers the data and displays it on a dashboard, recommending attrition areas to pay attention to.

3. Real-Time Customer Classification and Feedback Management

After analyzing reviews, the platform’s algorithms classify customers based on their feedback, verbatim, preferences, and behavior, all in real-time. This feature helps businesses respond quickly to customer concerns and personalize their marketing efforts and customer experiences. The algorithm helps you automatically prioritize the irritants in the customer journey so companies can spend less time identifying the areas of customer pain points.

4. Simplified Dashboard and Analytics Reporting System 

Considering the volume of reviews businesses get, Qemotion provides a dashboard that helps users see the main metrics at a glance. For convenience, the visualization allows users to adjust what information appears on the dashboard and how they are arranged on the screen.  Users can also download or export the data they receive in .XLSX and .CSV formats 

5. NPS Score and Conversion Rate Tracker 

Qemotion helps businesses track their Net Promoter Score (NPS) and conversation rate. NPS segmentation categorizes customers into three broad categories based on satisfaction and loyalty: Promoters, Passive, and Detractors. On the other hand, the conversion rate tracker measures the percentage of visitors who complete the desired action.

Having these metrics helps you evaluate how your businesses perform in terms of improving customer satisfaction. That puts you on track to increase your NPS and save time manually processing these metrics.

Qemotion Plans and Pricing in 2024

Qemotion provides three subscription categories– Emotion Start, Emotion Pro, and Emotion Corporate. 

1. Emotion Start

This is the most basic plan available on the platform. It allows one user per account and up to 50 customer categories. The plan enables businesses to track customer journeys and receive one monthly report in .csv and spreadsheet formats.

 Emotion Start subscribers can create surveys and gather customer sentiments from Tripadvisor and Google My Business. However, they must migrate to a higher plan to get reviews from other websites. For support, Qemotion provides knowledge-based articles and FAQs for self-help and an email support ticket without an option for live help.


The Emotion Start plan uses a pay-as-you-go pricing model. It costs €0.90 per comment.

2. Emotion Pro

This plan builds up on the Emotion Start plan. It provides everything in the plan with additional benefits, including an automated review collection scheduler and higher help ticker priority. Subscribers can also get priority support compared to customers on the Emotional Start plan.

As for the number of users, the Emotion Start plan allows up to five users per account. It also provides up to three analysis reports per month. However, like the Emotion Star plan, subscribers cannot track and gather reviews from platforms like Amazon Reviews, Zendesk, emails, and social networks—the plan best suits small teams who want to improve their customer experience with emotional analysis.


The Emotion Pro plan costs €500 per month.

3. Emotion Corporate

The Emotion Corporate plan provides subscribers with the most advanced feature set. It allows up to 300 customer categories and allows them to import online reviews from various platforms daily. This plan will enable subscribers to track and import customer reviews from Zendesk, emails, social media platforms, and other web review sites. 

Subscribers can also have an unlimited number of users with live support. The plan typically suits larger teams with large customer bases.  


The Emotion Corporate plan is customized, so businesses will get a quote corresponding to their custom feature pack.

Qemotion Price and Key Features Comparisons Table

 Emotion StartEmotion ProEmotion Corporate
Pricing StructureBilled EUR €0.90 per commentBilled EUR € 500 per monthCustomized
Data volume per month1000 commentsUnlimited
Number of Users15Unlimited
Automated Collection schedulercheckcheck
Emotional mappingtimestimescheck
Amazon and Zendesk Reviewstimestimescheck
Social networktimestimescheck
Live supporttimestimescheck
Alert moduletimestimescheck

Terms and Policies

Qemotion mandates all intending users to agree to its terms of use before creating an account and accessing the platform’s services. The document only allows users aged 18 and above to use the platform. These terms also require users to provide accurate information when registering on the platform.

In addition to the personal information collected during sign-up, Qemotion gathers data like your device IP address and usage patterns while on the platform. Qemotion highlights its commitment to securing users’ data by following commercially acceptable standards regarding security.

Customer Support

When push comes to shove, you want software that can provide support when you need it. The company provides a dedicated phone line to attend to questions, complaints, and suggestions between 09:00 and 17:00 Monday through Friday. 

You can also book a free demo with Qemotion’s marketing team. On the call, you will explore the software more closely and get more insights into applying the platform to your unique business situation. To book a call, send an email to contact@qemotion.com. You should expect a reply within 24 hours.

Wrapping Up

Ultimately, the key to the success of any business is understanding customers’ needs and using that knowledge to guide business decisions. Qemotion provides such insights alongside several other benefits. However, you can compare other Qemotion alternatives to see which AI (artificial intelligence) platforms best fit your needs. 

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