ProsperOps Analytics Review

Many cloud-based businesses agree that cloud services, like Amazon Web Services (AWS), account for a significant portion of their spending budget. About 60% of the bill can go into different compute services to create efficiency and maintain functionality. 

This approach, however, is expensive and isn’t sustainable. The enormous cost affects your cloud budget and prevents you from spending and focusing on other necessities. 

PropserOps provides a solution for you. They help reduce AWS costs for customers while still utilizing AWS to its fullest potential. Better still, you don’t have to pay upfront. 

This article examines how ProsperOps can help you save the most money while using AWS. It also explores its policies, pricing, and features. It also allows you to decide whether the platform is worthwhile.

ProsperOps Overview

ProsperOps is a technology company that reduces costs for businesses with zero effort. Established in 2018, the founders developed a product that reduces the costs of AWS for businesses.

Before the product, the founders had challenges with the cost of AWS services. As a result, they developed a product that employs engineering and finance expertise to lower costs. The tool also allows users to focus on other demanding activities. 

ProsperOps simplifies the complex, dynamic cloud environment to deliver a cost optimization tool that integrates the technical and financial worlds. It combines AI and automation to generate massive savings on AWS compute services such as Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Fargate, and Lambda. 

Erik Carlin, ProsperOps’ co-founder, said they created the AI-enabled automation platform to “attack waste” in the cloud environment and deliver a savings outcome. The tool maximizes the AWS discounts 24/7 and saves you 40% on the overall AWS compute discounts. 

As you use the tool over time, it gives you more discounts and increases the savings in your AWS budget. 

In addition, you don’t have to pay an upfront fee before you use the service. They deduct their fees from the money that they save for you. So far, the company has returned over $653 million in cloud savings for its AWS customers. They also manage over $1.2 billion for businesses seeking to reduce their cost of compute services. 

  • Established: 2018
  • Founders: Chris Cochran, Erik Carlin, and Chris Kuehl
  • Office: Austin, Texas

ProsperOps Notable Features

5 Reasons ProsperOps Stands Out

Expert Opinion

Rating: 4.5/5

ProsperOps is a great way to lower EC2 rates and the DevOps team’s overhead expenses. 

For a start, ProsperOps’ business model is unique. It reduces costs and increases savings efficiently without requiring manual intervention. This allows you to save money and time, which you can channel toward other vital tasks.

Another commendable feature we found about ProsperOps AI is that it is action-oriented. While many other alternative software provide recommendations, ProsperOps does more, providing parameters that help set how much they can save on their cloud budget. The tool then uses its various AWS financial instruments to achieve the user’s goals. 

ProsperOps provides an excellent solution, but we are disappointed that it only supports the AWS cloud platform. This makes it unavailable to users who have businesses on other cloud services, such as Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform. Likewise, the company can consider expanding its services to other AWS compute services besides E2, Fargate, and Lambda.

 In addition, you may encounter some challenges when dealing with EC2 capacity reservations. That’s because ProsperOps only utilizes regional reserved instances. The regional reserved instance provides discounts that allow you to save on Amazon EC2 usage costs.

PropserOps is an efficient platform offering cost-optimization solutions for businesses using AWS compute services.

ProsperOps Notable Features

ProsperOps has two comprehensive features, each contributing to cost optimization activities. Below, we will discuss these features extensively and examine how they can help you get a better experience with the platform.

1. Autonomous Discount Management

Before the advent of PropserOps, many cloud businesses faced challenges with cost optimization. AWS accounted for a significant portion of their bill. 

However, ProsperOps’ autonomous discount management enables you to get the most from your AWS compute savings. It also reduces your commitment risk. In other words, it helps you balance your cloud usage so you won’t waste money. 

With the help of this feature, you can build and manage a portfolio. It consists of AWS convertible reserved instances, standard reserve instances, and compute savings plans. That helps you to save money in three ways:

  • ProsperOps Flex Commitment

 The convertible reserved instances and standard reserved instances cover dynamic usage with elastic and term-optimized commitments. It also delivers the highest discount rate (45% savings) for predictable usage. 

  • ProsperOps Base Commitments

The Base Commitments feature allows you to manage the AWS compute savings plans for all compute types and regions. Here, you set the target and adjust the commitments to your desires. 

  • Smart Budgeting and Risk Management

 This sets the quarterly prepayment guardrails for Reserved Instances (RIs) and Savings plans. These are two options AWS provides to save costs. RI helps you reserve capacity for a specific AWS service for a particular period while you can commit to spending an exact amount on AWS with the Savings plan.

Prosper Ops configures the compute shrink allowance to absorb future usage. Compute shrink allowance is the percentage of compute usage you can have unused without being charged. 

Typically, if you commit conservatively, you will miss out on massive savings and pay an on-demand rate. On the other hand, if you commit aggressively and usage drops, you may end up wasting money. With smart budgeting, PropsperOps prevents overcommitment either conservatively or aggressively.

2. Finance and Accounting Reporting

ProsperOps doesn’t only save customers money. They also provide the tracking and intelligence you need for finance and accounting. They achieve this goal through these four sub-features:

  • Intuitive dashboard with FinOps Insight

This sub-feature tracks your monthly and lifetime savings, coverage, utilization, and other FinOps metrics. They also link to AWSCostExplorer, which allows you to audit your savings outcome. Finally, this feature lets you view the commitment burndown, weighted average commitment duration, and expiration timelines. 

  • Intelligent Showback

This sub-feature lets you view the costs and savings across your resources, regions, and more. It also shows the accurate savings allocation by business units, product lines, and geographies. You can also control how the savings benefits are shared among the internal units. 

  • Dynamic Prepaid Amortization Tracking

AWS Amortization involves spreading the cost of AWS services over a specified period, typically through the Reserved Instances or AWS Savings plans.

With ProsperOps, you can track all the changes and give daily updates about the amortization schedule of all prepaid commitments. It also gives you a proper accounting of cloud spending in the financial statement. 

  • Multi-Org Reporting

Here, you can easily see the aggregate financial results across all AWS organizations for savings, compute spend, and commitment coverage. 

These features work by collecting relevant data about how much compute power a subscriber uses and how much it costs them. With these insights, ProsperOps automatically creates and sends appropriate instructions to AWS’s API. 

The algorithms then determine the cost-saving opportunities that will raise the savings rate, depending on your chosen parameters.

ProsperOps integrations

ProsperOps doesn’t integrate with any third-party service or cloud system besides AWS. In other words, it doesn’t support other cloud systems. 

When using this platform on AWS, you should note that it’s only limited to compute services such as E2, Fargate, and Lambda. If you use any compute services outside of these three, you may not get your desired results.

ProsperOps Pricing and Plans

PropsperOps’ pricing model differs from most SaaS products, which usually charge users an upfront fee. They directly charge a small percentage of the savings they generate for you. This charge is called the savings share. It is obtained from flex and base savings. 

The Flex savings are the monthly savings generated from the Flex Boost Service Standard Reserve Instance and Convertible Reserved Instance. Meanwhile, the base savings are the monthly savings generated from other compute savings interest, such as savings plans, inherited, or customer-procured standard reserve interest. 

The charges will appear on the AWS invoice if you subscribe via the AWS marketplace. If not, ProsperOps will bill you separately. Their plan requires a monthly or yearly subscription. You can contact them to get a specific quote.

You can also cancel the subscription at any time. If you cancel before your contract expires, you will be charged from the savings in your Flex layer.

ProsperOps Terms and Policies

ProsperOps mandates all users to read and accept the terms of use before accessing its services. The company limits its services to users of legal age (18 years and older). Users under 18 must obtain their parent’s or guardian’s consent before utilizing ProsperOps’ services. 

You can also represent an entity, such as your company. In cases like this, you must accept that you represent the entity you work for. In this scenario, you must also understand that “you” refers to you as an individual and an entity. 

The term of use prohibits users from copying, downloading, streaming, capturing, reproducing, modifying, transmitting, distributing, selling, or transferring any of its content. 

You can’t use trademarks, logos, and service marks unless you obtain the consent of ProsperOps. You should also note that the company offers no warranties when using their site. 

This implies that the subscriber uses the website entirely at their own risk. ProsperOps is not responsible for any losses that may result from using the website. They are not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages.

In addition, the term of use mandates the company to protect its customer data and only use it to personalize its services to customers. 

ProsperOps’ laws are interpreted and enforced according to the laws of Texas. In the case of any legal action, the agreement shall be brought exclusively to the state court or any other federal court within the country.

Customer Support

ProsperOps offers 24/7 customer service support to their users via email and telephone calls. They have different lines for your requests, whether for sales, help, general, or legal issues. 

If you want to inquire how they can save you money in the cloud, you can contact them via their sales line and email. 

If you have complaints or need help with their service, you can contact them via their help and support line.

  • Help and support phone number: (855) 360-0512
  • Help and support email: help@prosperops.comat

If you have general inquiries, you must email them at
Finally, if you have any legal issues, you can contact them through

You can also send a message to them at:

ProsperOps, Inc.
6500 River Place Blvd
Building 7, Suite 250
Austin, TX, 78730

Wrapping Up

The future of AWS scope looks promising to many modern businesses. As more companies adapt to the cloud computing system, the cost of running their businesses also increases. 
That’s why companies like ProsperOps have made it their business to reduce these costs and mitigate risks for their customers. If you want to learn how ProsperOps reduces costs, you can get a savings analysis or a demo to get a first-hand experience of the product.

Contributors: Funmito Obafemi (Technical Writer); Eyimofe Adewole (Graphic Designer)

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