Octane AI Review: Features, Integration, and Pricing 2023

If you’re a Shopify merchant who wants to sell products on your website with ease, then you should consider Octane AI. The main goal of Octane AI is to help you, as a merchant, understand your customers better. This helps you to deliver personalized ads and content that will most likely result in sales.

You’re probably wondering, “How does Octane AI do this?” The platform uses two main methods to achieve this: AI Quiz Funnels and AI Insights. In this article, you’ll have a deep understanding of how Octane AI combines these two tools to improve lead conversions and drive sales. You’ll also learn about the pricing plans and the company’s terms and policies to decide whether this software is right for you.

Octane AI Overview

Octane AI is a technological company founded by three artificial intelligence experts, Benjamin Parr, Matthew Schlicht, and Leif K-Brooks. Schlicht, particularly, is a serial founder, having established two separate business ideas before embarking on the Octane AI journey with Parr and K-Brooks.

The trio developed Octane AI to enable e-commerce businesses to grow by delivering personalized experiences with AI. Octane AI works primarily on Shopify, where more than 3,000 merchants use it to power their businesses. 

Since its launch, the platform has helped to generate about half a billion in revenue, which is still counting. Its AI Quiz Funnels and Insights Analyst are revolutionary, helping to address the challenge of understanding shoppers better, which numerous merchants used to have.

The company has continued to grow, and interest in its solutions keeps rising. It has about 60 employees and has raised over $15 million in various funding rounds. While its current valuation is between $50 million and $100 million, the company’s trajectory still shows a massive growth potential.

  • Established: 2016
  • Founders: Benjamin Parr, Matthew Schlicht, Leif K-Brooks
  • Office: San Francisco, California, US (Headquarters)

5 Core Features of Octane AI

5 Core Features of Octane AI

Expert Opinion

Rating: 4.4/5

Octane AI assists e-commerce businesses on Shopify in understanding their customers, helping to double or even triple sales.

Octane AI is a very simple tool with limited but highly functional and effective features. This is evident right from the first interaction with the website. Adding the Octane AI app to your store is easy, as we could do it at just the touch of a button.

Setting up quizzes for e-commerce websites and gathering meaningful customer data is quite easy with Octane AI. The AI chatbot was very helpful, engaging customers when we or our support agents couldn’t be present. 

One major downside, however, is that Octane is only available in a few selected languages. This limits our reach, although only to a certain extent. Octane’s integrations are also wide, ensuring marketing teams can improve sales regardless of which tool or software they use. 

Sometimes, though, the drastic change in design, interface, and aesthetics always gives it away that the webpage and Octane AI are two separate platforms. The developers should provide more customization options so business owners can blend the app perfectly with their existing websites.

Overall, Octane AI is a recommended tool for Shopify owners looking for ways to get closer to their customers’ minds and improve sales.

Notable Features of Octane AI

Below are the major features of Octane AI that make it a must-have for e-commerce merchants on Shopify:

1. Zero-party Data Collection

Zero-party data collection means information and details that prospects, leads, and customers directly share with you. It differs from first-party data collection, which refers to data that you obtain from computer systems, such as page clicks, checked products and webpages, and social media engagements.

You typically collect zero-party data from quizzes, pop-ups, and polls, making Octane AI’s Quiz Funnels perfect for it. You can set up quizzes in seconds and immediately forward them to customers and leads without any hassle or stress. 

Once these potential buyers get to your site, they will first interact with these quizzes. The greatest benefit of zero-party data is that since you get them directly from the source, you don’t have to question their credibility.

2. Dynamic System Recommendations

What do you do with the data that you collect with the AI Quiz Funnels? While there are many use cases for that data, usually, you use the data to recommend products to customers and other online shoppers. You can personalize shopping experiences and greatly improve customers’ chances of purchasing.

Typically, the way to use the AI Quiz Funnel to make dynamic system recommendations is to get the shoppers’ opinions the moment they land on your site. You can prompt them to answer questions on the kind of product they’re searching for, the amount they’re willing to spend, and the product’s color or other features. 

The system then matches these answers with the items in the catalog and displays possible items the shopper may be interested in.

3. AI-powered Chatbots

As an e-commerce store owner, you’ll not be available to attend to every visitor to your website. What’s even more counterproductive is to hire numerous support agents to always be on standby when visitors require information. Octane AI lets you use AI chatbots to engage visitors and customers throughout the entire buyer’s journey.

You can have a chat widget on your website that welcomes visitors and offers to provide them assistance as they browse. These chatbots are AI-powered and are capable of holding human-like interactions. The more attention customers feel they’re getting from you, the higher their chance of ultimately purchasing with you.

4. Insights Analyst

Beyond the AI Quiz Funnels, Octane AI also provides an Insights Analyst. What’s the point of collecting data if you can’t extract actionable insights from it? This Insights Analyst can execute various tasks, including identifying a product’s positive and negative aspects based on reviews. 

For example, suppose you ask an Insights Analyst to tell you users’ top problem with a product. In that case, it’ll check all the reviews available for that product, list the identified problems, and even suggest areas for improvement.

Insights Analyst is also capable of much more, such as drafting product descriptions and identifying review trends. It can also suggest new product lines to introduce or new marketing strategies to boost sales.

5. Follow-up Campaigns

Next, you’ll want to determine how successful your marketing and advertising campaigns are. You do this by running follow-up campaigns. Find out why a prospect didn’t later complete a purchase or prompt them to purchase a complementary item to the one they bought.

You can also use follow-up campaigns to keep shoppers updated on their most recent orders or encourage them to shop for completely new items. You can do this in the form of automatic emails that you can easily draft and send using the Quiz Funnels.

Octane AI’s Integrations

You can add Octane AI to your existing tech stack and improve revenue across your marketing. Here are some of the tools and applications that Octane AI integrates with and what you can achieve with them:

1. Shopify

Octane AI integrates seamlessly with Shopify because that’s the primary platform on which it works. You can use the AI Quiz Funnels and Insights Analyst maximally to drive effective marketing results.

2. Klaviyo

Integrating Octane AI with Klaviyo enables you to pass on any data you obtain in a quiz into the Klaviyo platform. The various data that you can pass on include answers, recommended products, results page URLs, emails, and SMS. Working on the backdrop of this data, you can segment customers or even create dynamic email content.

3. Google Analytics

Synchronizing Octane AI with Google Analytics significantly expands your understanding of your e-commerce website. You can create GA events for quiz views, quiz starts, quiz completion, and quiz results. Events let you measure a specific interaction on your app, which means you’ll have real-time information for virtually every aspect of your quiz.

Other software programs and applications that Octane AI integrates with include Recharge, Attentive, Yotpo, Google  Analytics, Alloy, Meta Pixel, and Stamped. The company has a detailed guide on its website showing how to add these apps, and we recommend checking it out.

Pricing and Plans

Octane AI prices differently for the AI Quiz Funnels and Insights Analyst. Below is a detailed guide to how their pricing system works:

1. AI Quiz Funnels Plans and Pricing


This is the base plan for the AI Quiz Funnels. It’s suitable for early e-commerce stores with minimal branding requirements and a small customer base.


  • Versatile quiz builder for product recommendations, fit style finder, and color matching.
  • Pop-ups and opt-ins to feature quizzes and collect email and SMS opt-ins.
  • Integration with Klaviyo, Zapier, Recharge, Alloy, and Facebook Meta Pixel


This plan costs $50 per month

Octane Plus:

This is the upgraded version of the base plan. It provides features for medium-sized and fast-growing e-commerce businesses.


  • Hide the Octane AI logo for more customized branding
  • Quizzes, pop-ups, and opt-ins
  • Quiz recommendations when sending Klaviyo emails
  • Advanced quiz logic branching and shareable results page
  • Customized quiz product display
  • Integration with Klaviyo, Zapier, Recharge, Alloy, Facebook Meta Pixel, Google Analytics events, and Attentive


This plan costs $200 per month


This combines the features of Octane and Octane Plus with others not found in either, making it perfect for large-scale businesses and enterprises.


  • Every feature of Octane and Octane Plus
  • Unlimited engagements
  • Dedicated support manager
  • Custom CSS
  • A/B testing for pop-ups


This is a custom pricing plan

Price and Key Features Comparisons Table

FeaturesOctaneOctane PlusEnterprise
Hide Octane AI logotimescheckcheck
Dedicated Account Managertimestimescheck
Build quizzes for product recommendation, color matching, fit style finder, and morecheckcheckcheck
Create pop-ups to feature quizzes and collect email and SMS opt-inscheckcheckcheck
Sync opt-ins and quiz data to Klaviyo for email and SMS segmentationcheckcheckcheck
Send Klaviyo emails with quiz recommendationstimescheckcheck
Shareable quiz results pagetimescheckcheck
A/B testing for pop-upstimescheckcheck
Facebook Meta Pixelcheckcheckcheck
Google Analytics Eventstimescheckcheck
Price and Key Features Comparisons Table

Insights Analyst Plans and Pricing

Pricing for the Insights Analyst depends on the number of reviews you have. The table below explains this in further detail:

< 500REVIEWS501 – 1,500 REVIEWS1,501 – 4,000 REVIEWS4,001 – 10,000 REVIEWS10,001 – 20,000 REVIEWS20,000+ REVIEWS
250 5001,0001,5002,0004,0006,00010,00015,00020,000Customized pricing

Terms and Policies

Octane AI’s Terms of Service is a legal agreement between the customer and Octane AI Engineering. It’s mandatory for anyone who wishes to use any of Octane AI’s solutions to agree to these terms since it specifies how to use the tools.

By subscribing to any of Octane AI’s plans, you receive access to all the features and benefits that the company advertises on its website.  Note, though, that the company may add new features for additional fees and charges at any time. However, the company can also revoke your access to its software if you use it in an unspecified manner. For example, restricting others from using the app or disclosing personal information about a third party.

Octane AI is a privacy-focused company, and the company takes great pride in this. To use the platform, you must provide personal information, like full name, email address, and billing details.

The company can also collect details automatically from your computer, like IP address and cookies. These details help Octane AI provide personalized services to you and improve its operations across the board.

Customer Support

Customer support with Octane AI isn’t elaborate compared with what’s generally obtainable in the SaaS space. When it comes to getting in touch with the company, you have two options: fill out the contact form on the website or reach out via any of its social media channels.

When filling out the form, the information you have to provide includes your first and last names, work email, company name, and the reason for your message. If you prefer the social media route, the three main channels through which you can reach Octane AI are:

Wrapping Up

Octane AI has been around since 2016, assisting Shopify merchants to enhance sales and improve productivity. It provides a suite of features that includes AI chatbots, analytics, and dynamic system recommendations. If you want a turnaround in the bottom line of your e-commerce business, then it may help to consider this app. Connect by filling out the contact form on the website or reach out via any of their social media accounts.

Contributors: Saheed Aremu (Writer), Rhoda Eyimofe (Graphic Designer)

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