How Blipper Leads the Fight Against Suicide and Depression

The World Health Organization estimates that about 280 million people suffer from depression worldwide. With over 700,00 cases recorded each year, the WHO further estimates one suicide death occurs every 40 seconds. The good news is that it is preventable with timely and evidence-based interventions. That’s where Blipper comes in.

Blipper is an AI-powered platform that uses harmonic analysis algorithms to detect emotional cues in voice conversations. It helps businesses understand their customers and better train their support staff. However, the platform finds specific use cases in suicide prevention, and the company is making efforts to help more people and prevent more suicide cases, especially in India.  

A Mission Born Out of Passion 

For Tejas Jhaver, Blipper Co-founder, the mission to prevent suicide deaths was a personal one. He lost a friend to suicide while in high school and, afterward, sought a way to stop this from happening to other people. The prevalent report of suicide cases in the country validated the mission even more. After several years of searching and brainstorming, he met Raghu Vamshi, Blipper Co-founder, who shared a common passion for making a difference, and together, they built Blipper.

The Blipper platform uses natural language processing (NPL) and advanced harmonic analysis technology to detect sentiment and emotion in voice communications. Tejas shared some insights into the platform’s technology. 

“We run on data proprietary algorithms. We take recordings from different helplines to detect customer emotions at different timestamps on the call. So far, the platform has achieved a 91% success rate, and we hope to get to 95% within the next few months”.

Blipper enables helplines to identify people with a high probability that they’re contemplating suicide. As they receive these signals, the platform provides infrastructure that allows agents to signal first responders– hospitals and suicide prevention helplines immediately. Tejas highlighted the company’s plan to collaborate with more hospitals, emergency helplines, and the police to provide quick attention to patients as they receive these warning signals. 

As of the time of writing, the company reports onboarding over five pilot partners and more than 5,000 agents. Although the platform is still in development, the company is already doubling down on expanding partnerships with various call centers, emergency helplines, and businesses. This collaboration with businesses, however, provides even more exciting benefits to partners.

While Blipper maintains its mission to combat suicide, the technology also finds relevance with mainstream businesses. The platform enables sales and marketing teams to automatically audit calls in a few minutes, analyze customer emotions and pain points, and train help agents to be more efficient. 

Let’s explore what that means for businesses and why managers can consider choosing Blipper as part of their overall customer engagement and satisfaction strategy.

Beyond Suicide Prevention, Blipper Offers More 

Blipper offers companies three significant solutions that help to ensure better performance of the support, marketing, and sales teams.

1. AI-Powered Agent Training Models

Blipper provides a model training ground for new customer support team members, making the agency onboarding process even more seamless for support and sales teams. Tejas shared, “We are also creating an AI simulator that trains agents to perform better (when dealing with different customer emotions).” 

This AI simulator works using pre-recorded calls and is designed to mimic real customer interactions. When the agents perform well on the simulator, they can then move on to interact with customers on live calls.

2. Live Response Checklist and Recommendations

As agents interface with different customers, Blipper provides live analysis of the calls and sometimes identifies the customers’ emotions. The algorithms also analyze the call transcripts, spot specific keywords, and provide checklists of appropriate responses for different situations. You can customize the trigger words and responses to suit their brand style and typical customer behavior.

3. Quality Check and Performance Audit

After each call, the platform analyzes the agent’s performance and the client’s behavior and emotions. It summarizes each agent’s interactions into transcripts and classifies them based on the customer’s emotions. 

Managers can also get more in-depth insight into the team’s performance thanks to the comprehensive audit report Blipper provides. It measures core metrics and arranges the data into interactive charts and graphs, enabling seamless, data-driven decision-making. Managers can also quickly identify the best-performing agents using the leaderboard. 

Explore More SaaS Tools with TechWriteable

The reward of excellent customer service is better customer loyalty. However, with Blipper, it’s a two-fold mission—to provide timely support for people with suicidal tendencies and to help businesses build better customer satisfaction by ensuring the excellent performance of support teams. The company has yet to release information about the platform’s pricing and full integrations list. However, we can expect the software to launch officially soon. If interested in this software, join the waitlist or subscribe to the TechWriteable Newsletter to stay updated on new developments and the release date. If you’re looking to get better customer engagement and conversion, TechWriteable also provides marketing services to help you reach your goals. Contact TechWriteable to get help from top marketing experts.


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