Review: Features, Integration and Pricing 2023 is one of the SaaS platforms revolutionizing the marketing world through personalization. Gone are the days when personalization was limited to addressing prospects by their first names in emails. Now, the list is endless.

Yet, we believe they all follow a rule of thumb: “maximizing the customer’s attention span.” In 2014, Tony Haile wrote that the average reader has an attention span of 15 seconds. Today, it is estimated at 8.25 seconds. Now, that’s okay, as there are many ways to retain your customers in those few seconds. 

One of them is through The software allows you to target your customers through the creation of personalized videos, whether it’s for cross-selling, funnel nurturing, or engagement. This article thoroughly reviews, its features, and its benefits to your business. Overview is a video personalization software company with headquarters in Ohio, USA. Since its generative AI first came to market in 2021, it has helped several businesses to create personalized video campaigns. focuses on helping businesses scale more by building a connection with their audiences. Its AI engine (called Myna) allows founders, CEOs, celebrities, and more to call out their prospects’ names. It also personalizes any part of the video according to the brand’s needs. An example is commending customers on their last purchase or reminding them of an impending one.

Before building Myna, Suvrat Bhooshan worked in the Facebook research team. His goal was to create a unique way for businesses to send tons of personalized messages to their customers. That goes further than using generative AI characters or virtual humans. It is changing the lip movements of an actual human, along with their texture and tonality, to match the personalized word.

His technology has been relatively successful, helping some of the biggest brands to generate hundreds of customized videos. They include Cadbury, Amazon, and even mobile device giants like Samsung and Vivo. Although competition against it is fierce, it receives its fair share of recognition from the public.’s latest seed funding round generated $5.25 million. Hopefully, the company will be able to expand its value proposition and accelerate its artificial intelligence research.

  • Established: December, 2021
  • Founder: Suvrat Bhooshan
  • Office: Perrysburg, Ohio, United States (Headquarters)

5 Core Features of

5 Core Features of

Expert Opinion

Rating: 4.5/5 is an AI-powered video tool for generating personalized copies of a single recorded video. It is excellent for both small and large-scale businesses.

The video personalization software has an imposing value proposition. First, we love that it allows you to create your avatar instead of using virtual characters. That way, businesses can take a single video and dynamically tailor it to different individuals. 

With its short model training script, your influencer, on the other hand, has very little to worry about. Teams can also record and upload videos faster.

While exploring the site, we noticed its lip and audio sync so accurately. It makes it hard to tell what part of the video was AI-generated. This accuracy helps its customers to maintain a professional outlook while maximizing customer engagement. Although impressive, we would have loved to see advanced editing functions. For example, adding soundtracks from the site or editing accents, depending on race and location.

We say this because when end users input their names to personalize their videos, they’re all pronounced in English. However,  these deficits contribute to its user-friendly interface and AI-powered personalization platform.

Another feature we like about the software is its microsite. Users can place their videos on a branded microsite that supports multiple integrations. They can also add a share button that links to numerous video-sharing platforms. 

Still, we believe the platform could benefit from font customization. It would be more professional if brands could upload their fonts on the site. That way, the microsite is similar to what’s obtainable on their official website.

Altogether, is a game-changing tool that streamlines the development of video campaigns. It also enhances user engagement and interactions. Users only need to record once and create copies of their videos. As it’s still in its early stages, there is room for improvement. Also, unlike many SaaS tools, it is easy to set up. Therefore, you won’t need to rely too much on support. Notable Features

The platform’s features are few. However, they are centered on its value proposition: encouraging video hyper-personalization. The features offers are;

1. Myna AI

Myna is’s generative AI engine. It is what empowers the audio and lip sync that the platform is popularly known for. After you record and upload video templates, highlight the words that need personalization and watch as it uses AI to adjust them. Its videos have recorded different conversion rates from regular video campaigns.

2. Personalized Microsites

The video platform allows businesses to create custom landing pages and microsites for their videos. On these microsites, they can integrate other tools like Calendly and Stripe. This increases conversion in their video personalization efforts, seeing as customers can complete actions from that page.

3. Event-driven Video Generation helps you improve specific user interactions and tailors video messages to their every action. For instance, you could send customers a welcome video after they sign up with your business. You could also send them an after-purchase video personalized with the names of their purchased products.

4. Multi-channel Engagement

Myna-generated videos are optimized for all video streaming platforms and mobile apps. Therefore, you can share your videos with millions of users across multiple channels for higher conversion rates. That could include WhatsApp and SMS. Integrations integrates with many platforms businesses already use. It allows users to build personalized landing pages with built-in tools. When customers arrive on this microsite, they don’t need to switch tabs to complete the required actions.

Whether it’s personalizing checkouts or order processes, you can integrate it with Stripe or Razorpay. You can also make booking meetings easier after viewers watch their personalized video messages with its Calendly integration. If your business is on Shopify, you can integrate it to deliver customized videos to engage users across various touchpoints effectively.

What’s more, if you’re a B2B company, you’ll benefit from Its integration with CRM platforms. Although not an Integration, you can share video content on numerous platforms, including email. Use Cases

The platform can be maximized across diverse industries and use cases to reach and engage millions of users. Some of them are;

1. Cross-selling

Cross-selling is a marketing technique that helps you maximize the lifetime value of your customers. When a customer buys something from you, you can recommend other products or an upgrade to that product (upselling). A typical example is how Zomato used it to empower its food delivery campaign.

With this tool, you can create personalized videos at scale featuring the names of other products the customer may be interested in. Like many businesses, you can send this in your “thank you” or “transaction receipt” emails.

2. Employee Engagement

Almost every business has an employee chain. That is, a hierarchical organization or employee structure. Due to this, employees at the bottom of the chain can quickly feel disconnected from the business. In turn, it affects their performance and loyalty.

For increased engagement, founders or executive officers can upload a single video template recognizing employees’ contributions. After that, they can edit their names, achievements, and positions using the platform. Finally, they can send copies to each employee. Doing this makes employees feel valued and boosts your brand awareness.

3. User Resurrection

Several reports show that humans now have an attention span smaller than a goldfish’s. No wonder the percentage of click-through and open rates keeps reducing. However, this only points to one thing- what you say in the first five seconds matters most. Sometimes, this could be a captivating hook or a phrase like “Hello, John.” Regardless of your choice, Myna can help.

The tool empowers businesses to deliver personalized video apologies to customers who unsubscribed from their business. You can also inform nonchalant users about your latest updates and offers. Plus, you can increase your user engagement by maximizing your celebrity ambassador videos.

4. Book Meetings

While personalized AI videos may not help you close sales, they can get you past the biggest hurdle. Every sales representative knows that prospecting is one of the biggest challenges sales teams face. Getting the prospect to take your outstretched hand is not a walk in the park. 

However, instead of creating regular video campaigns, sales reps can find a sales pitch that works. They can then record a video of it and, subsequently, many personalized copies of the message. Every time there’s a new prospect, they can tailor the message to them, encouraging a meeting. If the sales pitch is good, why not? Plans and Pricing

The company does not offer any pricing information on its website. However, Forbes reports that its monetization strategy is to offer two plans: a premium plan for enterprise customers and a cheaper plan for small businesses.

You’ll have to request a demo to see how streamlines video creation and to know the total costs. Clicking the ‘request a demo’ button will redirect you to a page where you’ll fill in your details. Once you’ve submitted your details, you’ll have to schedule a time for your one-on-one consultation.

Terms and Policies

The company’s policy document contains information on how the company and its platforms use the data they collect from you. Scanning through their policies before using the platform would be best, as it automatically binds you to them. They clarify that it has the right to collect, process, store, and use your data. While it emphasizes that its policies may change occasionally, you can always find the last updated date at the top of the document.

Apart from its site, you should know that it can retrieve your data from third-party sites. That could range from integrated apps to user submission of your information. You can read about its long list of reasons for collecting your data on its website. 

The policy document also explains detailedly other terms of use for California users. California residents can request their data from the past 12 months. They can also demand that the company delete their data.

Customer Support

Customer support is open to both registered users and visitors. The support button redirects you to a page where you can book a demo, visit its blog, read case studies, and submit a query. blog, the Gan-g, is a comprehensive database of artificial intelligence research articles. It also contains several thought leadership articles on video marketing and sales. You can also read companies’ success stories by clicking ‘use cases.’ 

When submitting a query, the platform will ask you to input your name, email, phone number, and query. Once you’ve submitted your query, you’ll get a response through email. You can also reach the company by placing a phone call through to them. Their phone numbers are;

  • +1-650-546-5542
  • +91 9310699380

You can find their offices at;

United States Office

25743 Wood Creek Road,
OH 43551
United States.

India Office

Gan Studio Private Limited,
LG Floor,
SmartWorks, WTT,
Sector 16B, Noida – 201301 Conclusion: Use of AI Tools

Video is a powerful marketing tool on its own. However, Its superpowers increase when you add personalization to it. Although is relatively new in the video marketing industry, its interface and AI-powered personalization capabilities give it an edge over existing AI video generators.

Many user reviews, testimonials, and success stories show that its videos have a higher likelihood of receiving replies. They also boast a 3x increase in conversion rates. To explore the power of personalized videos without an avatar, book a demo. Also, if you want to explore other marketing personalization tools, check out our Blueshift and Stay Ai review articles.

Contributors: Adenike Omope (Technical Writer) Okesipe Olumide (Graphic Designer)

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