Emitwise Review: Features, Integration and Pricing 2023

Governments and regulatory agencies have determined that businesses must now be accountable for their carbon emissions. Therefore, companies face the new challenge of complying with carbon emission regulations. Emitwise has recognized this challenge and offers a unique solution.

Emitwise is a top solution provider looking to revolutionize carbon monitoring and management. The platform helps businesses to measure, report, and reduce carbon emissions. With Emitwise’s AI-powered solutions, businesses can comply with regulatory requirements and standards.

So, how exactly do they do this for several companies across the globe? We will explore their features, pricing, and policies in this article. Then, you can decide if the software solution is worth your company’s investment.

Emitwise Overview

Sustainability is a relatively new idea for many businesses. Many employees do not have the knowledge or skills to keep up with environmental regulations. In some industries, like mining and manufacturing, it takes even more work to track emissions.

Inspired to make a difference, Benjamin Peddie, Eduardo Gómez, and Mauro Cozzi came together in 2019 to start Emitwise. Eduardo, Chief Product Officer at Emitwise, believes in using design thinking to solve problems and create delightful customer experiences.

Emitwise’s co-founders combined expertise in product design, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to design a product that would meet core needs. Today, the company’s main product has been featured in Forbes, GreenBiz, Fast Company, and Business Insider. 

The company has worked with various global brands, including Pregis, Thomas Foods, Convoy, Axis, and Thrace Group.  They have also received over $16 million in funding, with their latest funding round in March 2022.

  • Established: 2019
  • Founders: Benjamin Peddie, Eduardo Gómez, Mauro Cozzi
  • Offices: London, UK

5 Core Features of the Emitwise

5 Core Features of the Emitwise

Expert Opinion

Rating: 4.5/5

Emitwise simplifies carbon emission tracking and reporting for businesses, helping them meet climate goals.

Emitwise’s platform has a smooth interface. The platform is hosted as a web app and allows users to access the platform from various devices. We also found the platform relatively easy to navigate, so we rate it highly in this area.

Emitwise provides features that can be tailored to various industries, which we rate highly. For example, the platform uses machine learning to process large-scale data. Such capacities are needed for large-scale operations in the fast-moving consumer goods industry. The platform also features calculation methods tailored to packaging, minimizing the worries of industry practitioners.

We are also delighted about the product’s features for managing and reducing Scope 3 emissions. These are emissions produced down the supply chain of an industry, such as emissions from the company’s offices and manufacturing facilities. By helping companies measure these values better, Emitwise allows users to make effective decarbonization decisions.

While we appreciate Emitwise’s native features, we believe software integrations would enhance its capabilities. Integrations with industry-specific platforms or other tracking tools could improve the tool’s value. This may also be through an API portal. However, as a stand-alone platform, Emitwise stands out.

Overall, Emitwise makes it easy to track your carbon emissions and stay accountable to investors, customers, and regulators. Although the platform could add a few integrations, its rich AI-backed features make it an excellent choice.

Notable Features of Emitwise

Emitwise offers several critical features for understanding and managing carbon emissions. We will look at them below:

1. Detailed Carbon Accounting

Helping you keep track of your carbon emissions is perhaps the most important feature of Emitwise. For one, the platform shows you where to prioritize so that you can focus on emission hotspots and cut emissions. 

The platform offers finance-grade carbon accounting, meaning you can monitor your emissions with the same detail in financial accounting. The carbon emissions are measured in carbon dioxide equivalents (Coe).

A significant concern businesses have is the complexity of collecting data about their carbon emissions. Emitwise makes it easier to collect emissions data by automating continuous flows from your data systems. 

The platform also extends to data systems from your suppliers and other external sources. This way, you can rapidly understand where the emissions are emerging from and take action.

Where there are data gaps, the platform uses global accounting methodologies and artificial intelligence to fill them in. The machine learning algorithms rely on emission factors from their proprietary, up-to-date database. The platform also centralizes your data. Its simplified dashboards help identify hotspots and direct change.

2. Setting Carbon Targets

Another critical aspect of pursuing Carbon Zero is the ability to set and meet goals. Emitwise provides tools to make this process seamless. First, the platform allows you to understand your emissions baselines. To do this, they assess your direct emissions and those across your value chain. 

Emitwise’s records are both broad and granular, examining everything in detail. Their calculations take account of each building, supplier, and activity as a unique entity. This information appears on dashboards that show your operational and supply chain emissions. As a result, businesses can quickly recognize the carbon hotspots to address.

Besides the detailed dashboards that help you recognize challenges yourself, they also provide expert help. Emitwise has a team of in-house carbon accounting experts. This team will help you analyze your data and share areas to cut your carbon emissions significantly.

Users can also better understand how their emissions emerge, thanks to Emitwise’s centralized location for tracking operational and value chain emissions. The centralization also helps to minimize the possibility of missed opportunities. This can help your team create a robust plan for meeting climate commitments.

3. Dynamic Tracking and Reporting

While setting targets for your carbon reduction, it is also vital to ensure that you’re tracking and reporting in an agile way. With agile tracking and reporting, you can make changes efficiently. Where there are problems with your current approach, dynamic tracking helps you quickly identify them so you can make changes.

Emitwise does this through a thoughtful, modern approach. With Emitwise, you can automate regular emission data through streamlined data submission flows. 

Besides the machine-learning platform that enables rapid insights, the company also goes a further step to ensure accuracy. Their carbon accounting experts join in to provide a genuinely hybrid reporting and tracking experience.

With Emitwise’s hybrid tracking and reporting tools, businesses can stay aware of their sustainability strategies and reduction targets. This is important for modeling alternative outcomes. Additionally, you can effectively predict the impact of your latest climate action initiatives.

4. Decarbonizing the Supply Chain

Procurewise is Emitwise’s custom tool for managing Scope 3 emissions, which can constitute a significant component of your company’s carbon footprint. With Procurewise, you can use AI-driven technology for increased accountability in your business. 

Procurewise uses a three-way approach: Screen, Engage & Calculate, and Act. 

With the ‘Screen’ functionality, you can collect information from various sources to understand your supplier’s carbon output. The tool collects both public and private information, including visuals of their rate of action to reduce emissions. The platform breaks down the data by supplier, industry, and location.

The ‘Engage & Calculate’ tool is designed to help you signal your mission to your suppliers. This way, you can ensure that your suppliers are on track and can help you minimize your cumulative emissions. 

With the feature, you can build a tailored campaign to show your suppliers what you need, including webinars and emails. Additionally, Procurewise asks only what is required, combating supplier fatigue.

With ‘Act,’ you can improve the accuracy of your carbon accounting. By including supplier-specific emission factors, you can enhance granularity in your reporting. The tool also provides a data quality assessment for each factor, improving reliability.

5. Promoting Carbon-Consciousness

Decarbonization is a long-term process, and it is essential to keep processes in check constantly. This is why it is crucial to have a company culture committed to reducing carbon output. Emitwise makes it easier to ensure you keep sight of your climate commitments.

With the platform, you can automate measurement, reporting, and reducing carbon emissions. Its continuous data flows allow you to test initiatives. This way, you can find what works for your business and commit to efficacy. The ML-driven platform is constantly evolving, learning new things from each data point.

Emitwise Integrations

Although the platform lets users integrate several data points into a centralized view, the platform does not offer any app integrations. Also, the software does not provide an API portal for building custom integrations.

Plans and Pricing

Emitwise does not publicly state its plans and pricing on its platforms. It also does not offer a free trial or a free version. However, the platform may charge companies based on the complexity of their needs and the number of users. The software’s entire suite of features is available for every company on the platform, though.

To get actual information on how much Emitwise charges its users, you will have to reach out to them. During the discussion, you can understand how well the platform fits your team’s and company’s needs. After this, you may request a custom quote for your business, which considers various factors.

Terms and Policies

Emitwise’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy guide customers’ use of its services. Customers can use the platform freely but without the right to sub-license. The platform may also provide customers with reasonable technical support. Except with Emitwise’s consent, customers cannot authorize a third party to copy, rent, or exploit their services.

Emitwise states that customers are responsible for any data they enter into the platform. Also, customers are solely responsible for decisions based on its reports. Emitwise also takes customer data seriously and will only use it to perform its services. The company assumes no responsibility for any liability obtained when using third-party products connected with its services.

Customer Support

Emitwise provides a robust mix of self-help and direct help options. For the self-help aspect, users can access its blog, which contains updates from the industry and advice on carbon accounting. 

Articles on the blog include advice on how to improve your CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) score and an introductory piece on carbon accounting. There are also detailed videos on the website showing how to use Emitwise’s platform for various tasks.You can also reach out to them via various platforms. For one, users (and prospective users) can contact them by filling out a form at insights.emitwise.com. For inquiries, you can reach out to contact@emitwise.com.

Wrapping Up

In a world where pacts are constantly being made to prioritize the environment, it is vital to understand how your business can stay on track. Emitwise offers a rich suite of features to help businesses become more climate-compliant.

Do you think this tool will help your business reduce emissions and go greener? Then, reach out to the company for a demo.

Contributors: Victor Femi-Lawal (Technical Writer); Olumide Okesipe (Graphic Designer)

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