Ataccama ONE Unified Data Management Platform: Features, Expert Opinion, and Plans

Data is the new oil, and organizations are committed to refining and processing it via any necessary means. Refined and processed data provides valuable insights into different business areas, facilitating critical and strategic business decisions. Ataccama ONE Unified Data Management Platform is essentially a refinery for data, or master data, in this case.

The software contains a suite of invaluable features with which decision-makers significantly improve data governance. However, is this tool for you, and should you invest in it? This article will answer that by taking you through its main features and providing an objective expert opinion on the software.

Ataccama Overview

In 2008, David Holes, Jan Cervinka, Jan Mrazek, Michael Klaus, and Peter Jech came together. They wanted to address an issue they observed while working at Adastra. Data quality issues in data integration often lead to delays and failures to deliver desired business outcomes for customers. To address this issue, they formed their own company and developed Ataccama ONE, an all-in-one master data management and data governance platform.

The company aims to deliver high-quality data to everyone by speeding up how businesses and data teams process data using innovation, especially AI. 

Ataccama has gone from a hopeful start-up to a powerhouse in the data management and data governance field. Its innovative and unique solution has attracted the attention of large and medium-sized companies alike. The company’s current list of customers includes names like T-Mobile, Heineken, Avon, and Raifessen Bank.

It has also undergone a series of funding, and the company’s valuation as of June 2022 was $550 million. That period coincides with the company’s latest round of funding, in which it raised $150 million from Bain Capital Tech Opportunities. Considering the current trajectory and with a commitment to its mission, Ataccama has the potential to be one of the biggest companies worldwide.

  • Established: 2008
  • CEO: Mike McKee
  • Founders: David Holes, Jan Cervinka, Jan Mrazek, Michael Klaus, Peter Jech
  • Offices: New York, US; Ontario, Canada; London, United Kingdom; Prague, Czechia; Frankfurt, Germany; Paris, France; Sydney and Melbourne, Australia; Bratislava, Slovakia

5 Core Features of Ataccama ONE

5 Core Features of Ataccama ONE

Expert Opinion

Rating: 4.7/5

Ataccama ONE unified data management platform is recommended for any company looking to improve its data governance and master data management (MDM).

Before using the app, Ataccama’s website interface appealed to us immensely. The interface is beautiful and well-optimized, and we faced minimal issues navigating and performing various options. It was easy to schedule a call with an agent and get into the platform. 

Ataccama arranges all its solutions or features into modules to simplify data management. The console comprises five separate but integrated modules that provide detailed information about a company’s data outlook. 

However, this tool has numerous features, and getting to your desired one can sometimes take time and effort. The developers can fix this by providing shortcut keys for quick and easy access to certain features.

While the software provided various channels for customers to access support, they still need more work in that area. Considering all that Ataccama can do, there should be support email addresses and call lines. The company can incorporate tiered support packages into their software delivery. Customers will have access to various levels of support depending on the amount they’re paying.

Nonetheless, Ataccama is very close to perfecting data delivery with its Unified Data Management Platform. It only needs minor tweaks and continuous optimization and upgrading of the platform.

Notable Features of Ataccama ONE Unified Data Management Platform

Here’s a summary of the most essential features that the Ataccama ONE unified data management platform offers:

1. Data Profiling

Data profiling refers to a business’s processes to understand its data better. It’s typically the first step toward ensuring data quality. Proper data profiling involves spotting patterns in data collection, checking for issues, and, sometimes, organizing data. Ataccama ONE simplifies and even automates these activities.

The platform dedicates an entire module to data profiling. It scans various sources, revealing all the details regarding any data set or the whole data source. Ataccama’s data management platform empowers businesses to discover paths to improvement through a holistic understanding of its data.

2. Metadata Management

To understand how Ataccama ONE helps improve metadata management, you should first know what metadata is. Metadata is information about your data. For example, suppose your data set is a list of employees in a particular department in an organization. In that case, the metadata will contain information about its creation date, who created it, and its location.

Ataccama ONE manages metadata in various ways. It regularly scans data for changes and allows data stewards to import metadata from other sources. Through its cross-platform functionality, Ataccama also allows collaboration between data experts.

3. Data Quality

Working with quality data significantly improves the success of a business’s strategic decisions and plans. Data quality concerns the accuracy, reliability, and consistency of data. Data quality management is vital for avoiding flawed decisions and improving processes across a business’s entire departments.

With Ataccama ONE, data quality management takes an intuitive yet practical and straightforward approach. It can detect data set issues and quickly notify data stewards for immediate fixing.

Since data quality rules are essential in data quality management, organizations typically go the extra mile to apply them. Ataccama ONE also wholly automates this process, taking a considerable burden off data teams. It detects data domains and business terms and assigns data quality rules from a rule library.

4. Data Integrations

If you need to work with data sets from various sources, Ataccama ONE also caters expertly to this. With data integration, you can import data from multiple sources to process, transform, and analyze them. The steps involved in extracting data from its source to its destination constitute the data integration pipeline.

Ataccama ONE will assist you during this journey, whether you’re a data expert or data steward. It lets you transform, process, and store the data until it’s well-refined to inform critical decisions. You can re-use ready-made data configurations and distribute data on local and cloud environments. 

Although Ataccama ONE allows you to integrate data from various sources and in different formats, you can process it into a single data store of your choice. That means you can store data in whatever format you desire, facilitating quick data operations and improving data quality.

5. AI-Powered Data Management Operations

Ataccama ONE is essentially a master data management platform. Master or critical data means the core information without which an organization would not exist. It includes product details, customer information, employee records, and other crucial data.

This platform implements AI across its different modules, which include data profiling, metadata management, and data quality. This way, it automates most manual operations, leading to faster, more effective data analysis.

For example, Ataccama utilizes AI for various data profiling operations. It automatically scans for data domains from data warehouses, data lakes, and data sources for a quick and seamless experience. Next, it makes understanding data sets easier with automatically assigned business and generated data-related statistics. Finally, it also makes suggestions to the data analyst or business owner by learning from user interactions.

Ataccama ONE Unified Data Management Integrations

The best way to explain Ataccama’s integrations is how the company describes it on its website. “Ataccama is designed for enterprise use, high performance, and scalability. It integrates well with your architecture and works with on-prem legacy tools, cloud-native platforms, and all major big data engines.”

Ataccama integrates seamlessly with many well-known programs. It also has REST APIs, further expanding its app integration list. Its integration mechanism follows a unique approach that makes it easy to set up cross-platform communications. You can add as many apps and programs as possible and monitor all apps in the stack.

The platform integrates with relational databases like Oracle, SAP, and IBM DB2 to read and write data. However, you’ll first need a JBDC driver to establish a connection between Ataccama ONE and any of these databases. You can also connect with data lake platforms like Cloudera and Databricks, file storage like Microsoft Excel, and identity management tools like Open Directory and Okta.

The developer added a feature called ONE engine that serves as the powerhouse for all integrations and processing. It connects to every system, performs all processing jobs, stores metadata, and handles other necessary backend tasks. Without the ONE engine, Ataccama ONE’s integration will not be as intuitive as it is.

Pricing and Plans

Plans and pricing for Ataccama ONE are substantially different from other apps, including those trying to solve the same problems. Firstly, the company doesn’t provide any pricing information on its website. For that, you need to book a session with a customer support representative.

The company splits the central Ataccama ONE platform into three separate apps. Each app focuses on a single aspect of the platform and provides different access levels. Data Observability for Snowflake, Ataccama DQ Analyzer, and Data Stories are the three apps. You can get a free trial of the Data Observability for Snowflake software or download the Ataccama DQ Analyzer.

Before gaining access, you must first provide some form of identification. For example, you need to schedule a call to use the Data Observability for Snowflake, fill out a form to download the DQ Analyzer, and create an account to use Data Stories.

Terms and Policies

Before you begin using Ataccama’s tool, it’s essential to understand what terms guide how the company offers its services. Agreeing and complying with these terms helps ensure you use the platform for a long time and don’t lose access to it. 

For example, suppose you infringe on Ataccama’s copyright by distributing or sharing the software without permission. In that case, you may lose access to the software and even face a lawsuit.

When you create an account with Ataccama and begin to use its tool, the company obtains and saves different information and details from you. This can be information you submit yourself, such as name, address, phone number, and other personal details. 

It can also be details automatically obtained from your computer, like IP addresses, system configuration information, and the websites you interact with, mostly. These details help Ataccama provide a personalized experience without compromising your safety or security.

Customer Support

Customer support on Ataccame ONE is done in two distinct ways. You can schedule a call with a support agent or use the numerous contact channels and links. To schedule a call with a support agent, you must provide details like your first name, last name, business email, company name, phone number, and job title. You can also add a message about why you’re booking a call to fast-track the process.

Ataccama is a global organization with offices in many cities worldwide. You can also visit these offices to get customer support or learn more about the company. Here are some of the cities with an Ataccama corporate office:

United State

140 Broadway, 46th Floor
New York City, NY 10005


155 University Ave., Suite 1000
Toronto, Ontario, M5H 3B7

United Kingdom

7 Birchin Lane,


Sokolovská 685/136f
Prague, 186 00


Franklinstraße 61, 15. Stock
Frankfurt am Main, 60486


71 Boulevard National
92250 La Garenne-Colombes


333 George Street
Sydney 2000, 13th Floor

Spencer Street 120
Melbourne VIC, 3000


Jurkovičova Tepláreň
Bottova 1
Bratislava, 811 09

Below are some of the company’s social media handles:

Wrapping Up

For any business to thrive, it must work against a backdrop of data and, more importantly, understand that data. This gap is what Ataccama aims to close with its Unified Data Management Platform. It uses AI for faster data processing and management operations, making it a platform of choice for data-focused businesses worldwide.
Want to have a firsthand experience? Schedule a call with their support agent to request a demo or get the full platform.

Contributors: Saheed Aremu (Technical Writer), Olumide Okesipe (Graphics Designer)

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