AptEdge Review: Overview, Features, and Pricing

GPT, short for Generative Pretrained Transformers, is a significant advancement in artificial intelligence with various capabilities. They can analyze data, write and learn code, and even hold long conversations with humans. GPT already features in many applications and tools, but can they help improve customer experience?

AptEdge’s founders saw AI and GPT’s potential to transform customer experience completely. They spent two years building and developing their software and ultimately launched an all-in-one support agent assistant. In this article, we’ll take a comprehensive look at this tool, its notable features, and its use cases.

AptEdge Overview

AptEdge is a software development company in Redwood City, California. Since its establishment in 2019, the company has made numerous headlines due to its innovative and transformative ideas. 

AptEdge focuses mainly on how corporations can improve customer service and experience and develop solutions promoting that. In 2021, it launched its most defining tool: a GPT-powered platform that helps support agents deliver better customer experiences.

The inspiration for AptEdge came from AppDynamics, where the cofounders, Aakrit and Anthony, met. While there, they observed a lack of awareness of issues caused by product updates that could lead to escalations. 

In other words, the company rolled out product updates without any awareness of the issues customers could face due to those updates. Resolving this issue became one of the major drives of the co-founders and ultimately saw them establish their company.

AptEdge’s solutions have been largely successful, attracting the attention of major investors. Their current list of sponsors includes Sequoia Capital, National Grid Partners, and Counterpart Ventures. 

The company raised about $11 million in its latest round of funding in June 2023. AptEdge’s mission is to revolutionize customer service through the power of natural language processing and AI.

  • Established: 2019
  • Founders: Aakrit Prasad, Anthony Kilman
  • Offices: California, United States

5 Core Features of AptEdge

5 Core Features of AptEdge

Expert Opinion

Rating: 4.6/5

AptEdge makes specific and few promises, and it delivers on those. It focuses mainly on reducing customers’ wait times and enhancing support staff productivity and is, undoubtedly, one of the best in that regard.

To begin using AptEdge, you must complete a form on the company’s website. The website is intuitive and well-optimized, and the “Start for free” button at the top right is easy to locate. AptEdge also asks you to provide just three details: your name, email address, and business name. Due to this, scheduling a meeting with AptEdge agents is quick and easy.

AptEdge enables agents to get answers to customer complaints and, to a considerable extent, allows customers to self-serve. The company can, however, still make improvements in both agent and customer interactions. 

For example, incorporating voice feedback into the system enables agents to use AptEdge hands-free. This can be very handy when support staff focus on customers’ complaints and other situations where they cannot use their hands.

AptEdge is still in the infancy stage, with the company only emphasizing an improved customer satisfaction score and reduced wait time. From our reviews, it excels at these two, and there are testimonies on the website to back that up. The company can still stay true to its objectives and improve in several areas, such as integrations, database management, and ease of setup and use.

Notable Features of AptEdge

AptEdge offers fewer features than other customer experience (CX) tools. However, its limited features are refined and give the best results. They include:

1. Trend Identification

Before AptEdge, customer support teams generally struggled with ticket resolutions. Customers raise queries covering various aspects of a product, which become difficult to track as time goes by. 

As engineering teams continue to ship product updates, support teams get overwhelmed with attending to software issues. AptEdge created its tool to help support teams solve this problem. It groups tickets into distinct categories if they share certain similarities.

For example, if multiple customers complain about the user interface, billing, and dashboard, AptEdge sorts and sends each to their respective categories. A support agent can then skip this stage and jump straight to ticket resolution.

This platform also uses deflection, so customers can self-serve until there’s a crucial need for an agent. Deflection is a customer service strategy where support agents redirect customers’ calls to digital channels. AptEdge’s deflection enables customers to handle fundamental issues to reduce the burden on support staff.

2. AI-Powered Predictive Analytics

Analytics and reporting are the two main features that make AptEdge appealing to managers and business administrators. 

Utilizing the power of AI, this tool can pull information from numerous platforms a business uses. It can connect communication tools, customer relationship management tools, project management tools, and others. This enables it to give an encompassing overview of a company’s support environment.

Managers and other company leaders can derive meaningful insights for crucial business decisions. They can replan customer experience strategies or identify and fix other gaps in business operations

3. GPT-Powered Conversations

For many, calling a business’ customer care line is hard and, sometimes, futile work. You have to wait a long time to talk to an agent, who might, in the end, escalate your call. Support agents typically have to attend to multiple customer calls at once, and when an issue is beyond them, they have to transfer it to a capable agent.

AptEdge significantly thins this line between customers and their desired solutions. It uses Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT), the same technology in ChatGPT, to quickly provide answers to support agents. This involves using AI and Natural Language Processing to loop through customer queries, link them with the most relevant sources, and provide human-readable answers.

The agent can still edit the answer if it’s not tailored enough to the customer’s situation. Overall, this helps create more relevant answers in record time, which can improve customer satisfaction.

4. Multiple Language Support

AptEdge also supports over 100 languages, ensuring support agents can work more comfortably. There’s no limit to the number of questions that AptEdge can process. With each question that the tool processes, it learns and develops. As a result, the developer advises support teams to use it as much as possible to get more personalized and better experiences.

AptEdge Integrations

AptEdge can seamlessly integrate with many tools and programs a business already uses. This ensures rapid responses to customer complaints and fosters collaboration among various business departments.

Current platforms and tools that integrate well with AptEdge include Slack, Salesforce, Zendesk, Microsoft Teams, and Microsoft Sharepoint. There are also others like Jira, Confluence, and Servicenow, with the company promising to expand support for other tools in the future.

AptEdge also has API keys to work with other systems, and the developers are constantly building new connectors. When integrating this program with other systems, a business can customize how it categorizes its ticket system for its needs. With this, it can deliver more personalized experiences to customers, which is what AptEdge aims to help achieve.

AptEdge Use Cases

Businesses use AptEdge for various purposes, including:

1. Ticket Volume Reduction

AptEdge achieves this through call deflection. Empowering customers to solve certain issues significantly reduces the volume of complaints or tickets a support team must resolve. AptEdge also groups all tickets into their respective categories so that support teams find them easier to work with.

When deflecting a call to a digital channel for self-service is impossible, a support team can assign tickets to the right team members in reduced time. AptEdge enables agents to be more productive and focus on other, more important tasks within the company.

2. Escalation Prevention

Escalation is when a support agent forwards the details of a customer to a different, more capable agent. Such a situation typically occurs when the initial agent can’t handle a customer’s complaints.

AptEdge provides answers to numerous customers’ pain points using GPT. With the answers to these questions at their fingertips, support staff can attend to customers and reduce how frequently they escalate issues to engineering teams and other departments. Overall, AptEdge provides immediate answers for Tier 1 resolutions, helping to reduce ticket escalation by about 35%.

3. Improved Customer Satisfaction

Many businesses typically measure customer satisfaction with the CSAT or customer satisfaction score. This metric helps the business understand how satisfied customers are with its products and services, and the score ranges from 0% to 100%.

Customers can have a poor experience due to long wait times and unsatisfactory responses. When these happen, they stop buying the company’s product or service and even give their friends and family bad reviews.

GPT-powered answers in AptEdge create smarter agents who deliver better customer experiences. It reduces wait times and provides the best answers and solutions to customer issues, raising a business’ CSAT score to almost 100%.

Plans and Pricing

AptEdge doesn’t provide any plans and pricing details on its website. You have to schedule a demo if you need to know how much the tool costs and ultimately purchase it. The registration process requires you to submit your name, business email, and company staff. Once a support staff validates your request, they’ll reach out to you almost immediately.

Terms and Policies

AptEdge’s Terms of Service is a legal agreement between the customer and AptEdge Engineering. It’s mandatory for anyone who wishes to use any of AptEdge’s solutions to agree to these terms since it specifies how to use the tools.

By purchasing AptEdge’s platform, the subscriber receives a worldwide, non-exclusive, and non-transferable access to it. However, the company can revoke this access if the subscriber uses the service in an unspecified way. For example, attempting to reverse engineer, disassemble, or duplicate the platform’s source code can lead to access loss.

AptEdge is a privacy-focused company, and the company takes great pride in this. To use the platform, you must provide personal information, like full name, email address, and billing details.

The company can also collect details automatically from your computer, like IP address and cookies. These details help AptEdge provide personalized services to you and improve its operations across the board.

AptEdge secures every data you send on its platform with state-of-the-art privacy and security mechanisms. You also need a username and a password to access the app from your end, and you can set up multi-factor authentication. There’s, however, no security system in the world that’s 100% impenetrable, so the company doesn’t promise that.

Customer Support

AptEdge has an obligation to provide subscribers with technical support for as long as they’re up to date with their payments. This is what the company states in its Terms of Service. 
Requesting technical support is typically by email, and the company only offers it from Monday to Friday, between 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Pacific time. The company takes breaks on holidays and will, therefore, be unreachable during those periods.

The channels through which you can reach the company include:

Wrapping Up

AptEdge is a relatively new CX tool that currently assists support agents in providing the best services to a business customer. If your organization needs to boost its customer satisfaction score, AptEdge is a highly recommended tool.

#Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software


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