A Review of Nightfall AI: Data Loss Prevention Software

In today’s data-driven world, protecting customers’ personal information is essential. Data breaches can cause financial loss and damage to organizations while putting customers at risk of identity theft. Aside from complying with data regulations, safeguarding sensitive information helps build users’ trust and confidence.

Nightfall AI is a data security and data loss prevention (DLP) company that helps organizations protect sensitive data from leakage and unauthorized access. As data protection is a sensitive matter, there’s a need to evaluate Nightfall AI to determine its functionality. Read on for an overview of Nightfall.AI and discover its features, integrations, pricing, terms, and policies.

Nightfall AI Overview

Nightfall uses artificial intelligence to find, prevent, and remedy the exposure of sensitive data across your generative AI (GenAI) and SaaS stack. With continuous data monitoring and automated remediation, this tool helps ensure your business complies with industry-leading standards. It achieves this by proactively protecting customer and company data with an effective cloud platform.

Isaac Madan and Rohan Sathe founded this company in 2018. Isaac was a VC investor at Venrock and was focused on early-stage investments in security, SaaS, and machine learning. Rohan worked at Uber Eats, as a founding engineer who built and designed software to aid the platform’s growth.

The inspiration to start the company was from Sathe’s data breach experiences. Today, Nightfall is backed by top VC firms that are experts in the cybersecurity industry and leaders in enterprise IT, sports, and information security. The list includes firms like BrainCapital Ventures, Venrock, Webb Investment Network, Pear, Westbridge Capital, and Next Play Capital.

Nightfall has customers of different sizes – from startups to Unicorns – and several innovative companies use their platform to protect sensitive data. Some of its customers include Genesys, Rain, Splunk, Oscar, Exabeam, and Kandji.

  • Established: 2018
  • Founders: Isaac Madan and Rohan Sathe.
  • Headquarters: California, USA

5 Core Features of Nightfall AI

5 Core Features

Expert Opinion

Rating: 4.5/5

Nightfall is easy to use and understand and has a user-friendly initial setup process. With or without technical expertise, the navigation of this tool is relatively straightforward, thanks to the integrations with most of the typical enterprise applications. 

You may experience some challenges with the user interface, but the support team provides excellent solutions to various difficulties once you reach out. The company can also consider adding a feature that allows companies to manage who has access to which alerts. That way, every team member can manage their alerts. 

With Nightfall, we noticed it’s easier to redact items that threaten to violate the company’s policy relating to protecting users’ personal information, credentials, and secrets. It’s also nice to perform all security tasks from one dashboard. However, we find the software to have numerous potential and expect more sophisticated solutions in the coming years. 

The healthcare sector can benefit greatly from this software as it helps safeguard patients’ information and prevent data breaches. The software uses impressive ML algorithms that classify sensitive data along on-premises systems and cloud services. However, it seems Nightfall was designed to protect PHI/PII or financial transactions and may not be suitable for other use cases. 

Nightfall has an optimal way of listing issues and allowing actions in real-time. You can see the software’s real-time response to security issues even within internal communications platforms. On rare occasions, though, the UI system does not load as fast as you may like.

Notable Features Of Nightfall AI

Nightfall has features relevant to several industries, such as digital health, fintech,  and SaaS. Here are the features the software boasts of:

1. Generative AI Security

ChatGPT, a generative AI tool, is useful and can help you increase your team’s output. However, this GenAI may collect information, including Personal Identifiable Information (PII), Protected Health Information (PHI), API keys, and more. So, how do you protect your confidential information without blocking these tools? Nightfall’s developer platform or Chrome extension aims to solve this problem. 

With this extension, you can automatically censor sensitive data contained in AI prompts in real-time. This allows you to monitor the use of AI tools within the organization safely. Through native API integration, you can enable protection for customer prompts in your service or application. 

Nightfall’s generative AI security enables you to set granular policies for AI productivity tools. The advantage is that it allows you to leverage the tools’ full potential while protecting your data. Its high accuracy reduces false positives and ensures there’s no end-user impact from blocking data breaches. This allows the organization to use AI tools confidently while ensuring compliance with regulations.

2. Keys Protection

More often than not, you expose secrets and credentials such as API keys and passwords in cloud apps. Nightfall key protection protects you and your organization from harmful key exposure. You can quickly discover, classify, and remove these secrets from a single dashboard. 

The software discovers sensitive data in various file types, including images, and classifies them. Machine-learning-based detectors classify and identify data accurately to minimize compliance or security risks. After identifying compromised data, the system performs automated remediation actions and sends real-time alerts to ensure data protection.

You can also effectively pass compliance and data privacy instructions by leveraging historical scans. The tool also helps you centralize the reports and alerts you receive on Nightfall.

3. Automated HIPAA Monitoring and Compliance

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requires companies that work with protected health information (PHI) to follow appropriate network, physical, and process security measures. Nightfall’s automated HIPAA monitoring and compliance system makes this process seamless. With it, you can identify and protect PHI while maintaining compliance.

This software classifies cloud data and identifies at-risk patient data so you can take appropriate steps to prevent a data breach. Nightfall’s effective integrations allow you to prevent data exposure incidents that may violate HIPAA requirements.

4. Data protection for M&A

As you probably know, undertaking a merger and acquisition (M&A) might pose significant data security risks. But Nightfall’s data protection for M&A can help you scan your cloud data to eliminate potential compliance breaches. This protects your company and consumer data from exfiltration. 

The setup for this software takes minutes, and it saves you from the legal, financial, and reputational damage that comes with data breaches during an M&A. The software also allows you to set up clear consumer data ownership through data consent to avoid legal disputes and violations.

5. Automated PCI DSS Compliance

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) outlines procedures and policies for companies that transmit, process, and store users’ credit card information. Nightfall simplifies PCI DSS compliance and protects customers’ personally identifiable information (PII). Its machine learning-based detection enables you to respond to critical alerts rapidly by prioritizing sensitive risks.

You can identify, classify, and remove sensitive data to comply with leading standards. And this is all from a single dashboard. The feature lets you easily oversee your security posture and prepares you for audits.

Nightfall AI Integration

Nightfall integrates perfectly well with different cloud-based collaboration services and tools. It has a Chrome browser extension to ensure data security when browsing various sites. With Nightfall’s integrations, you can extend the software’s data protection capabilities to applications you use frequently.

You can enjoy the features of Nightfall when you use a cloud storage service like Google Drive. It allows you to protect sensitive data saved in this repository. You don’t need to download additional software for this integration. With a few clicks, you can identify security risks in even complex Google workspaces. 

Nightfall works with any Google Workspace plan, so upgrading to a higher plan is unnecessary. You can also scan various file types, including Google proprietary file types, with ML-trained detectors for sensitive data. Customization of these detectors is possible. 

With this software’s integration with messaging and collaboration tools, such as Slack, you can enable real-time monitoring of conversations, shared files, and messages. It accommodates the Slack system and installs as a Slack bot. This bot scans data and provides visibility into sensitive data across the platform. 

You can apply data loss prevention policies according to different locations on Slack and scan even unstructured data with the bot. Setting up automated remediation workflows and proving compliance is more accessible thanks to this integration. This helps you experience always-on security at scale. 

Nightfall also integrates with file sharing and collaboration tools, such as Confluence, to offer protection within the environment. Product and engineering teams commonly use Confluence as a repository, so its integration with Nightfall significantly reduces data security risks. It allows users to scan pages and spaces for API keys, passwords, and encryption keys. 

You can also integrate Nightfall into ticketing and incidence response systems like Jira. It helps streamline incident management and response during data breaches. Other integrations include GitHub, Salesforce, Asana, and Zendesk.

Nightfall AI Pricing and Plans

Nightfall AI does not have publicly available pricing information on its website, but you can always contact the sales team. When you visit the site, a pop-up message presents the option of chatting with a DLP expert or scheduling a meeting. 

If you speak with an expert, a chatbot will prompt you to provide your name, email address, and organization size before the bot directs the chat to a representative.

Alternatively, you can schedule a meeting with the team. The AI chatbot will ask for your work email address and the number of people in your organization. After you provide this information, it displays a calendar for you to pick your preferred date and time. The earliest date you can select is the next day, but your scheduled meeting can get canceled if a representative becomes available during the scheduling period. You can also request a demo on their website. To do this, you have to fill out an online form and provide details, like your name, business email address, phone number, and company name. The company will provide a unique quote specific to your business needs during or after the meeting.

Nightfall AI Terms and Policies

To use Nightfall AI, you must be over 13 and agree to comply with the company’s privacy policy. This policy describes the procedures for collecting, utilizing, and disclosing your personal information using the software. This policy may change from time to time as the company is constantly seeking improvement.

Nightfall receives and stores information provided during the registration process or account setting. The company may collect personal information such as phone numbers, email, name, and third-party account credentials. They also record information received from your browser or device on their server log.

The company promises not to rent or sell any personal information it receives but may share de-identified personal information with third parties. A secure password protects your account for security and privacy. You may also access and delete information you provided through your account, such as name and password, email address, and profile information.

Customer Support

To contact customer support or a Nightfall expert, you can fill out the online form on the website. Information necessary to complete this process includes your email address, full name, job title, company name, phone number, and region. Then, you can include an optional custom message to indicate why you’re contacting the team. 

After submitting the form, you will receive an email through the address you fill in. You can also subscribe to Nightfall’s newsletter for information and updates on their product and services. There are also resources, such as videos, blogs, and FAQs, available on the website to get answers to questions you may have pending the scheduled meeting.

You can also reach out to the company through their social media handles below:


With the increasing risks in data security and complex regulatory compliance, there’s no better time to increase data security systems. You can protect your sensitive data with Nightfall’s robust data discovery, real-time monitoring, and policy enforcement capabilities. You can request a demo to understand how the software works.

Contributors: Roseline Sea-Nduka (Writer), Okesipe Olumide (Graphics designer)

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