Chatdesk Review: Features, Integration and Pricing 2023

Chatdesk is a solution that helps businesses increase customer engagement. Gone are the days when customer representatives had to spend hours sorting through multiple tickets and resolving complaints efficiently. Rather than manually replying to customer conversations, you need customer support software to create personalized messages with zero effort.

Thankfully, Chatdesk seeks to help companies provide excellent customer experience and avoid customer dissatisfaction. It makes it possible to scale customer engagement from acquisition to retention without breaking the bank. All you need to do is sync the platform with your helpdesk and social channels to automate about 90% of customer interactions. 

This article provides a complete Chatdesk review. Here, we will discuss Chatdesk features, pricing, and terms of service to know if it’s an outstanding tool for increasing your organic revenue and driving conversion.

Chatdesk Overview

Chatdesk is a customer service solution that uses AI and machine language to enhance customer support and provide insights into customer interactions. Unlike its competitors, the platform takes an additional stride by introducing customer experience (CX) experts to help organizations build customer loyalty and improve retention rates. 

Andrew Olayele and Aneto Okonkwo launched the software in 2016 to create jobs for the millions of talented people looking for flexible work. After developing Google Assistant and enhancing customer experiences for top enterprises alongside McKinsey & Company, they founded Chatdesk. 

Since then, the platform has helped multinational e-commerce brands like Scotch Porter, Mars, Alchemist, Olaplex, Fable, and Sheertex. In 2021, Chatdesk raised Series A funding from Cultivation Capital, Harlem Capital, Serena Ventures, and others. That allowed the company to scale its operations, develop products, and expand its market presence. 

Currently, Chatdesk has over 140 team members and over 8,000 CX experts to enable businesses to deliver exceptional customer experiences. Its goal is to create a world where customer support is cost-effective and truly personal.

  • Established: 2016
  • Founder: Andrew Olayele and Aneto Okonkwo
  • Office: United States, New York (Headquarters)

5 Core Features of Chatdesk

5 Core Features of the Chatdesk

Expert Opinion: Chatdesk Review

Rating: 4.4/5

Chatdesk is a customer support solution that helps brands improve engagement, retain customers, and provide exceptional support at a lower cost.

Once we deployed Chatdesk into our existing systems and channels, we were able to cover all our customer conversations without additional effort. Thanks to the platform’s automation, we could ease the workload on our support agents and quickly respond to queries. 

We found its smart call deflection helpful for moving many callers to self-service options and messaging channels. While the platform came in handy for solving tickets, we experienced some delays in resolving tickets regarding critical issues. Although this situation wasn’t frequent, it would help if the software ensured that all complex problems received the necessary attention and expertise. 

Chatdesk’s ease of integration helped us improve customer relationships. Amazingly, we could use the platform alongside surveys, chat, social media, order status, call center, and e-commerce store apps. We applaud Chatdesk’s introduction of CX experts to support businesses with branded and personalized responses. 

However, it would be beneficial if the platform clarified its pricing options so users can easily select a solution that suits their needs. Nonetheless, Chatdesk helped us use customer feedback to reduce contact volume, optimize product merchandising, improve self-service, and increase website conversion and repeat sales. 

Overall, this CX solution is ideal for helping businesses maintain a consistent brand voice on all channels.

Chatdesk Notable Features

Rather than rely on chatbots, Chatdesk provides users with features necessary for moderating social media channels, reducing inbound call volumes, and improving customer engagement without hassle. The following are some of Chatdesk’s most notable features:

1. Proactive Engagement

As a business, you need to anticipate customer needs and reach out to them before they initiate contact. For this reason, Chatdesk offers features to enhance customer engagement. The tool lets you join conversations with replies and comments on your business’s platforms. It makes managing your social e-commerce easier, as it comes with automated messages. 

This way, you can respond to comments about your brand or products on creators’ content without being tagged. With more engagement, you get more clicks on your website. In addition, the platform helps to craft personalized messages for customers, increasing loyalty and driving repeat orders. 

Chatdesks’s proactive engagement also covers targeted notifications. Through these notifications, you can provide relevant information, promotions, or assistance to customers. For example, when a customer inquires about an out-of-stock product, the tool can give them product recommendations and update them on new releases.

2. Voice of the Customer (VoC) Analysis

Companies that listen to their customers usually improve their listings and stay competitive. Chatdesk helps you analyze customer feedback from all of your channels. With less effort, it gives you comprehensive insights into the number of tickets solved, response time, customer satisfaction scores (CSAT), and the percentage of pre-sale messages. 

The platform allows you to gather feedback from your email, social media, chat, reviews, and customer surveys. Not only does this help save time, but it also makes it easier to access all your feedback in one place, identify trends, and spot new growth opportunities.

Chatdesk’s instant insight lets you understand the reasons for customer contact, product defects, shipping problems, returns and cancellations, website and app bugs, and more. The platform also takes away the stress of manually tagging, as it does it for you. Chatdesk has over 90% tagging accuracy across 70+ tags, including custom tags and filters.

3. Smart Call Deflection

With Chatdesk’s smart call deflection, you won’t have to miss customer calls even outside business hours. The solution redirects customers to self-service options, reducing the volume of incoming calls your human agents receive. 

Chatdesk syncs with your interactive voice response (IVR) system to guide callers through menu options and address common queries without human assistance. This feature uses web chat with live agents, Apple business chat, Facebook Messenger, knowledge base integrations, Whatsapp, and visual IVR solutions to help customers resolve issues independently.

 The best part? Its dashboard provides real-time tracking of deflected inbound calls and message volume. Ultimately, Chatdesk’s smart call deflection reduces support costs, enhances operational efficiency, and offers customers quicker resolutions.

4. Social Media, Email, and Chat Support

It’s no news that many customers prefer to reach out, ask questions, or report issues through social media and website chat. As a result, you need a solution to scale support and track orders on these channels. Chatdesk facilitates customer support via apps like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. 

With it, you can respond to DMs quickly, moderate spam comments, and attend to messages 24/7. Its real-time chat option allows customers to have instant conversations with support agents via the website’s live chat or dedicated messaging platforms. 

Chatdesk’s diverse support aims to provide customers with the flexibility and convenience to choose the communication method that suits them best.

5. Ticketing System

Chatdesk’s ticketing system enables you to track, manage, and systematically resolve customer complaints. When a customer contacts your support team about a problem, the software immediately creates a ticket. This ticket contains information about the customer, the issue, and relevant details. 

It categorizes and prioritizes these tickets to ensure critical problems receive prompt attention. While using Chatdesk, you’ll find it easy to solve tickets regarding presale FAQs and product questions, order status, returns and exchanges, and more.

Chatdesk Tool Integrations

One highlight of Chatdesk’s integrations is that you don’t need to change a thing about your existing customer service systems. All you need to do is connect the software to your favorite social, support, and e-commerce apps in one click. Here are some of the apps Chatdesk works seamlessly with:

  • Zendesk
  • Facebook
  • Gorgias
  • Tiktok
  • Cisco
  • YouTube
  • Kustomer
  • Intercom
  • HelpScout
  • Shopify
  • Talkdesk
  • Five9
  • Gladly
  • Aircall
  • Dialpad
  • 8 x 8
  • Wootric
  • Ring Central

Chatdesk Pricing and Plans

Small and large businesses will find Chatdesk helpful in boosting sales and support. The platform offers users multiple pricing options depending on the area of customer support you wish to scale. Chatdesk’s pricing and plan options include:

1. Automatic Customer Insights

This plan is excellent for analyzing all your customer feedback in one place. 


  • Comprehensive insights with highlights
  • Drill down and CSV capabilities
  • Custom tags and filters
  • Comprehensive search tools
  • Export to data warehouses


The plan starts at $0/month.

2. Smart Call Deflection

If you’re struggling with large volume calls, this plan can help direct customers to self-service options.


  • Unlimited integrations
  • Call deflection
  • Call reduction dashboard
  • Custom integrations
  • SMS support


The Smart Call Deflection plan starts at $99/month.

3. Proactive Engagement

This plan is excellent for companies looking to improve social engagement and win back customers. Note that Chatdesk’s proactive engagement has two varying options, which include:

i. Proactive for social engagement

With Chatdesk’s proactive for socials, you can get more likes, replies, follows, and sales with organic comments.


  • 600 confirmed engagements, including likes, replies, or follows
  • Outreach on TikTok
  • Improve conversations on YouTube, Reddit, X (Twitter), and Threads
  • Custom campaigns and messages
  • Set up and training


The proactive social plan starts at $900/month.

ii. Proactive for retention messages

This plan is ideal for retaining, upselling, and winning back customers with 1:1 emails, SMS, and DMs.


  • 400 personalised conversations
  • Outreach on email, SMS, and DMs
  • Custom campaigns and messages
  • Unlimited integrations
  • Launch support


The proactive retention messages plan starts at $1000/month.

NB: Users also have the option to pay for Chatdesk’s on-demand or dedicated support packages. These packages come with CX experts to help answer pre-sale and post-sale questions with your brand’s voice and policies. They include:

1. On-demand Support

With this package, you can scale your customer support and increase sales. Chat desk’s on-demand experts work at their convenience to assist you in creating personalized responses to queries.


  • 400 tickets resolved per month
  • Social, email, and SMS support
  • Up to 24/7 coverage from real humans
  • 80% decrease in average response time
  • 90% + CSAT scores


The package is $1000/month.

2. Dedicated Support

For Chatdesk’s dedicated support, its CX experts work eight hours daily to provide your business with high-quality support.


  • Social, email, chat, and SMS support
  • Full-time, dedicated CX experts
  • Accelerated SLAs
  • Custom workflows
  • Discounted per-resolution rate


The package is $3,900/month.

Terms and Policies

Accessing Chatdesk’s website or services means you agree to all its terms. To improve service quality, it collects your personal information, including email and name, account identifiers for social media channels like Facebook and Twitter, and your phone number from messaging services like WhatsApp and SMS.

The platform also uses cookies to collect information about your email marketing applications, Google Analytics, and applicant tracking system. If you don’t want Chatdesk to access this information, you can remove or reject cookies through your browser settings. Although the company can retain your data as long as it deems necessary, you have the liberty to request they delete it. To do so, send an email to

Customer Support

Considering Chatdesk is a platform that helps businesses scale customer engagement, it provides excellent support to users. The software has a dedicated webpage for knowledge base resources. There, you’ll find several blog posts on improving engagement and customer testimonials showing how the platform can help retain customers and increase sales. 

We liked that Chatdesk grouped customer testimonials according to the beauty, pet, clothing, food, and personal care industries. This allows you to see testimonials most relevant to your specific needs and challenges.

The software also has an FAQ section that answers common queries about its CX experts, pricing, company, and customer support. In addition, Chatdesk provides 24 free CX email templates to address customer service tickets quickly.
You can contact Chatdesk’s support team by filling out its contact form and detailing your name and work email. You can also contact the company via email at or phone: +1 (929) 248-4090.


Many customer support solutions empower businesses to answer customer requests faster. However, not all offer users CX experts to optimize customer interactions and create positive and memorable experiences like Chatdesk. 

The software allows businesses to facilitate efficient customer support by turning tickets into conversions and conversations. It also makes it easy to drive customer loyalty and send 100% personalized messages.

You can schedule Chatdesk’s free demo to learn how to gain insights into customer behavior without spending a dime.

Contributors: Yinka ODUFOTE (Technical Writer); Eyimofe ADEWOLE (Graphic Designer)

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